
Wei-Ming Lin

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35EEWei-Ming Lin: Performance modeling and analysis of correlated parallel computations. Parallel Computing 34(9): 521-538 (2008)
34EEWei-Ming Lin, Qiuyan Gu: An Efficient Clustering-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Programs with Task Duplication. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 23(2): 589-604 (2007)
33EEChristopher J. Martinez, Wei-Ming Lin, Parimal Patel: Optimal XOR hashing for non-uniformly distributed address lookup in computer networks. J. Network and Computer Applications 30(4): 1397-1427 (2007)
32 Devang Pandya, Christopher J. Martinez, Wei-Ming Lin, Parimal Patel: Advanced hashing techniques for non-uniformly distributed IP address lookup. Communications and Computer Networks 2006: 46-51
31 Venkata S. Yerasi, Wei-Ming Lin: Advanced Hybrid Branch Predictors for High-Performance CPUs. Computers and Their Applications 2006: 90-95
30EEDevang Pandya, Christopher J. Martinez, Wei-Ming Lin, Parimal Patel: The Design of Efficient Hashing Techniques for IP Address Lookup. LCN 2006: 531-532
29EEChristopher J. Martinez, Wei-Ming Lin, Parimal Patel: Optimal XOR hashing for a linearly distributed address lookup in computer networks. ANCS 2005: 203-210
28 Parimal Patel, Ashok Kumar Tummala, Hari Babu Ramineni, Wei-Ming Lin: Improved Design and Implementation of Network Intrusion Detection System for Gigabit Network Traffic Using FPGA. CAINE 2005: 382-386
27 Hsiu-Jy Ho, Wei-Ming Lin: Job Scheduling with Real-Time Optimal Control. IASSE 2005: 13-18
26EESrikar Pasham, Wei-Ming Lin: Efficient Task Scheduling with Duplication for Bounded Number of Processors. ICPADS (1) 2005: 543-549
25EEWei-Ming Lin, Ramu Madhavaram, An-Yi Yang: Improving Branch Prediction Performance with a Generalized Design for Dynamic Branch Predictors. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(2): 199-208 (2005)
24EEWei-Ming Lin, Ramu Madhavaram, An-Yi Yang: Improving Branch Prediction Performance with a Generalized Design for Dynamic Branch Predictors. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(3): 365-373 (2005)
23 Sreekar Pasham, Wei-Ming Lin: Task Scheduling Algorithm with Duplication for Distributed Computing. CAINE 2004: 187-193
22 Wei-Ming Lin, Ramu Madhavaram, Parimal Patel, Fred Hudson: A Real-Time Ad Hoc Packet Matching Technique for Hardware-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 382-
21EEHsiu-Jy Ho, Wei-Ming Lin: A Performance-Optimizing Scheduling Technique for Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Based on Real-Time Job Size Distribution. ICPADS 2004: 639-
20EEWei-Ming Lin, Yumei Tang, Hsiu-Jy Ho: A Congestion-Relieving Mechanism for Wormhole-Routed Networks with Real-Time Injection Control. ICPADS 2004: 719-
19EEWei-Ming Lin, An-Yi Yang: Effective Branch Prediction through Caching of Aliasing Branches. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(4): 557-574 (2004)
18 Wei-Ming Lin, An-Yi Yang: Improving Branch Prediction Performance by Removing Temporally Close Aliases. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 300-303
17 Wei-Ming Lin, Ramu Madhavaram: Advanced Branch Prediction Based on a Generalized Predictor. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 304-307
16 Wei-Ming Lin, Yumei Tang: An Intelligent Congenstion-Relieving Mechanism for Wormhole-Routed Networks. ISCA PDCS 2003: 88-93
15EEWei-Ming Lin, Hsiu-Jy Ho: A Bypass-Sensitive Blocking-Preventing Scheduling Technique for Mesh-Connected Multicomputers. ISHPC 2003: 352-359
14EEXiaomei Zhu, Wei-Ming Lin: Allocation-Time-Based Processor Allocation Schem for 2D Mesh Architecture. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 16(2): 301-312 (2000)
13 Wei-Ming Lin, Wei Xie: Minimizing Communication Conflicts with Load-Skewing Task Assignment Techniques on Network of Workstations. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(1): (1999)
12 Wei-Ming Lin, Wei Ding: Cost-efficient branch prediction hardwares. Computers and Their Applications 1998: 352-355
11 Wei-Ming Lin, Chunhui Zhao: Look-Ahead Traffic Distribution in Wormhole-Routed Networks. SRDS 1998: 318-323
10EEWei Xie, Wei-Ming Lin: Minimizing Communication Conflicts with Load-Skewing Task Assignment Techniques on Network of Workstations. ISPAN 1997: 268-274
9EEHong Liu, Wei-Ming Lin, Yongsheng Song: An efficient processor partitioning and thread mapping strategy for mesh-connected multiprocessor systems. SAC 1997: 403-412
8EEYongsheng Song, Wei-Ming Lin: Performance prediction based loop scheduling for heterogeneous computing environment. SAC 1997: 413-421
7EEWei-Ming Lin, Wei Xie, Bo Yang: Performance analysis for parallel solutions to generic search problems. SAC 1997: 422-430
6 Wei-Ming Lin, Zhenhong Lu: Parallel Implementations of a Scalable Consistent Labeling Technique on Distributed Memory Multi-Processor Systems. ICPP 1993: 227-230
5 Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Wei-Ming Lin: Stereo and Image Matching on Fixed Size Linear Arrays. IPPS 1993: 449-453
4EEK. Wojtek Przytula, Viktor K. Prasanna, Wei-Ming Lin: Parallel implementation of neural networks. VLSI Signal Processing 4(2-3): 111-123 (1992)
3 Wei-Ming Lin, Viktor K. Prasanna, K. Wojtek Przytula: Algorithmic Mapping of Neural Network Models onto Parallel SIMD Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(12): 1390-1401 (1991)
2 Wei-Ming Lin, Viktor K. Prasanna: Efficient Histogramming on Hypercube SIMD Machines. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 49(1): 104-120 (1990)
1 Wei-Ming Lin, Viktor K. Prasanna: A Note on the Linear Transformation Method for Systolic Array Design. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(3): 393-399 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Wei Ding [12]
2Qiuyan Gu [34]
3Hsiu-Jy Ho [15] [20] [21] [27]
4Fred Hudson [22]
5Ashfaq A. Khokhar [5]
6Hong Liu [9]
7Zhenhong Lu [6]
8Ramu Madhavaram [17] [22] [24] [25]
9Christopher J. Martinez [29] [30] [32] [33]
10Devang Pandya [30] [32]
11Sreekar Pasham [23]
12Srikar Pasham [26]
13Parimal Patel [22] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33]
14Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [1] [2] [3] [4]
15K. Wojtek Przytula [3] [4]
16Hari Babu Ramineni [28]
17Yongsheng Song [8] [9]
18Yumei Tang [16] [20]
19Ashok Kumar Tummala [28]
20Wei Xie [7] [10] [13]
21An-Yi Yang [18] [19] [24] [25]
22Bo Yang [7]
23Venkata S. Yerasi [31]
24Chunhui Zhao [11]
25Xiaomei Zhu [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)