
Kyungshik Lim

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13EEJihyun Lee, Hyungyu Park, Kyungshik Lim: Rate-Adaptive TCP Spoofing with Segment Aggregation over Asymmetric Long Delay Links. ICOIN 2007: 123-132
12EESeongil Hahm, Yongjae Jung, Seunghee Yi, Yukyoung Song, Ilyoung Chong, Kyungshik Lim: A Self-organized Authentication Architecture in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. ICOIN 2005: 689-696
11EEJin-Woo Jung, Daein Choi, Keumyoun Kwon, Ilyoung Chong, Kyungshik Lim, Hyun-Kook Kahng: A Correlated Load Aware Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ECUMN 2004: 227-236
10EEJung-Rock Kim, Jang-Woon Back, Kyungshik Lim, Dae-Wha Seo: The Two-Tiered Proxy System for Seamless Multimedia Service in Mobile Computing Environment. ICOIN 2004: 249-256
9EEJin-Woo Jung, Doug Montgomery, Kyungshik Lim, Hyun-Kook Kahng: Dynamic Agent Advertisement of Mobile IP to Provide Connectivity between Ad Hoc Networks and Internet. ICOIN 2004: 277-286
8EEYoonsuk Choi, Kyungshik Lim, Hyun-Kook Kahng, Ilyoung Chong: An Experimental Performance Evaluation of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol for Transaction Processing in Wireless Networks. ICOIN 2003: 595-603
7EEYeunJoo Oh, KwangRoh Park, Kyungshik Lim, Kyoung-Rok Cho: Design of HG-iPhone Service Based on H.323 in the Home Gateway System. ICOIN (1) 2002: 589-597
6EEYoonsuk Choi, Howon Jung, Kyungshik Lim: A Comparative Performance Evaluation of the Transport Layer Protocols for Wireless Transaction Processing in Mobile Internet Environments. ICOIN (2) 2002: 11-21
5 Yoojae Won, Kyungshik Lim, Seung-Ku Hwang, Kwan-Jong Yoo: Proxy-based Reliable Multicast Protocol. Computers and Their Applications 1998: 98-101
4EESeung-Hoon Kim, Kyungshik Lim, Cheeha Kim: A Scalable QoS-based inter-domain routing scheme in a high speed wide area network. Computer Communications 21(4): 390-399 (1998)
3EEKyungshik Lim, Young-Hwan Lim, Yann-Hang Lee: Virtual cell in mobile computer communications. Computer Communications 20(7): 586-598 (1997)
2 Kyungshik Lim, Yann-Hang Lai: Optimal Partitioning of Heterogeneous Traffic Sources in Mobile Communications Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(3): 312-325 (1997)
1EESeung-Hoon Kim, Kyungshik Lim, Cheeha Kim: Efficient Stream Distribution Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multimedia Multicast with Link Capacity Constraint. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(6): 309-315 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jang-Woon Back [10]
2Kyoung-Rok Cho [7]
3Daein Choi [11]
4Yoonsuk Choi [6] [8]
5Ilyoung Chong [8] [11] [12]
6Seongil Hahm [12]
7Seung-Ku Hwang [5]
8Howon Jung [6]
9Jin-Woo Jung [9] [11]
10Yongjae Jung [12]
11Hyun-Kook Kahng [8] [9] [11]
12Cheeha Kim [1] [4]
13Jung-Rock Kim [10]
14Seung-Hoon Kim [1] [4]
15Keumyoun Kwon [11]
16Yann-Hang Lai [2]
17Jihyun Lee [13]
18Yann-Hang Lee [3]
19Young-Hwan Lim [3]
20Doug Montgomery [9]
21YeunJoo Oh [7]
22Hyungyu Park [13]
23KwangRoh Park [7]
24Dae-Wha Seo [10]
25Yukyoung Song [12]
26Yoojae Won [5]
27Seunghee Yi [12]
28Kwan-Jong Yoo [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)