
Ching-Jong Liao

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16EEChao-Tang Tseng, Ching-Jong Liao, Kuo-Ling Huang: Minimizing total tardiness on a single machine with controllable processing times. Computers & OR 36(6): 1852-1858 (2009)
15EEKuo-Ling Huang, Ching-Jong Liao: Ant colony optimization combined with taboo search for the job shop scheduling problem. Computers & OR 35(4): 1030-1046 (2008)
14EEChao-Tang Tseng, Ching-Jong Liao: A discrete particle swarm optimization for lot-streaming flowshop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 191(2): 360-373 (2008)
13EEChing-Jong Liao, Chao-Tang Tseng, Pin Luarn: A discrete version of particle swarm optimization for flowshop scheduling problems. Computers & OR 34(10): 3099-3111 (2007)
12EEChing-Jong Liao, Hsiao-Chien Juan: An ant colony optimization for single-machine tardiness scheduling with sequence-dependent setups. Computers & OR 34(7): 1899-1909 (2007)
11EEChing-Jong Liao, Der-Lin Shyur, Chien-Hung Lin: Makespan minimization for two parallel machines with an availability constraint. European Journal of Operational Research 160(2): 445-456 (2005)
10EEChien-Hung Lin, Ching-Jong Liao: Makespan minimization subject to flowtime optimality on identical parallel machines. Computers & OR 31(10): 1655-1666 (2004)
9EEKuo-Ching Ying, Ching-Jong Liao: An ant colony system for permutation flow-shop sequencing. Computers & OR 31(5): 791-801 (2004)
8EEWen-Hwa Yang, Ching-Jong Liao: Batching and sequencing of jobs with order availability at a single facility. Int. J. Systems Science 29(1): 13-20 (1998)
7EEChing-Jong Liao, Li-Man Liao: Single facility scheduling with major and minor setups. Computers & OR 24(2): 169-178 (1997)
6EEWen-Hwa Yang, Ching-Jong Liao: Group scheduling on two cells with intercell movement. Computers & OR 23(10): 997-1006 (1996)
5EEChing-Jong Liao, Chien-Lin Sun, Wen-Ching You: Flow-shop scheduling with flexible processors. Computers & OR 22(3): 297-306 (1995)
4EEChing-Jong Liao: A new node selection strategy in the branch-and-bound procedure. Computers & OR 21(10): 1095-1101 (1994)
3EEChing-Jong Liao: Tradeoff between setup times and carrying costs for finished items. Computers & OR 20(7): 697-705 (1993)
2EEChing-Jong Liao, Matthew Rosenshine: A heuristic for determining the optimal order in a tandem queue. Computers & OR 19(2): 133-137 (1992)
1EEChing-Jong Liao, Rong-Hwa Huang, Sheng-Tsaing Tseng: Use of variable range in solving multiple criteria scheduling problems. Computers & OR 19(5): 453-460 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Kuo-Ling Huang [15] [16]
2Rong-Hwa Huang [1]
3Hsiao-Chien Juan [12]
4Li-Man Liao [7]
5Chien-Hung Lin [10] [11]
6Pin Luarn [13]
7Matthew Rosenshine [2]
8Der-Lin Shyur [11]
9Chien-Lin Sun [5]
10Chao-Tang Tseng [13] [14] [16]
11Sheng-Tsaing Tseng [1]
12Wen-Hwa Yang [6] [8]
13Kuo-Ching Ying [9]
14Wen-Ching You [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)