
Nan Li

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14EENan Li, Chunhe Xia, Yi Yang, Haiquan Wang: An Algorithm for Generation of Attack Signatures Based on Sequences Alignment. CSSE (3) 2008: 964-969
13EEGuanling Chen, Prabhu Govindaswamy, Nan Li, Jie Wang: Continuous camera-based monitoring for assistive environments. PETRA 2008: 31
12EEShuping Chen, Wenbo Wang, Jing Han, Guangyi Liu, Nan Li: Providing VoIP Service over TD-SCDMA HSDPA. VTC Spring 2008: 2066-2070
11EEYi Dai, Nan Li: BIW concept design in virtual testing lab applying computation grid network. China HPC 2007: 192-197
10EEYanxia Gao, Nan Li, Shuibao Guo, Haijian Liu: The Modeling and Parameters Identification for IGBT Based on Optimization and Simulation. LSMS (1) 2007: 628-638
9EENan Li, Behrouz Nowrouzian: Application of frequency-response masking technique to the design of a novel modified-DFT filter bank. ISCAS 2006
8EEJianjun Zhao, Tao Xie, Nan Li: Towards regression test selection for AspectJ programs. WTAOP 2006: 21-26
7EENan Li: Dynamic nature of trust in e-commerce. ICEC 2005: 226-229
6EEMingli Song, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen, Nan Li: Audio-Visual Based Emotion Recognition - A New Approach. CVPR (2) 2004: 1020-1025
5EESuchendra M. Bhandarkar, Tongzhang Jiang, Kunal Verma, Nan Li: Automated analysis of DNA hybridization images for high-throughput genomics. Mach. Vis. Appl. 15(3): 121-138 (2004)
4EENan Li, Zhiyong Huang: A feature-based pencil drawing method. GRAPHITE 2003: 135-140
3EENan Li, Behrouz Nowrouzian: An efficient interleaved tree-structured almost-perfect reconstruction filterbank. ISCAS (4) 2003: 297-300
2 Nan Li, Zhiyong Huang: Feature-guided painterly image rendering. ICIP (1) 2002: 653-656
1EENan Li, Zhiyong Huang: Tour Into the Picture Revisited. WSCG 2001: 41-48

Coauthor Index

1Suchendra M. Bhandarkar [5]
2Jiajun Bu [6]
3Chun Chen [6]
4Guanling Chen [13]
5Shuping Chen [12]
6Yi Dai [11]
7Yanxia Gao [10]
8Prabhu Govindaswamy [13]
9Shuibao Guo [10]
10Jing Han [12]
11Zhiyong Huang [1] [2] [4]
12Tongzhang Jiang [5]
13Guangyi Liu [12]
14Haijian Liu [10]
15Behrouz Nowrouzian [3] [9]
16Mingli Song [6]
17Kunal Verma [5]
18Haiquan Wang [14]
19Jie Wang [13]
20Wenbo Wang [12]
21Chunhe Xia [14]
22Tao Xie [8]
23Yi Yang [14]
24Jianjun Zhao [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)