
K. Y. Leung

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5EEK. Y. Leung, Man-Wai Mak, M. H. Siu, Sun-Yuan Kung: Adaptive articulatory feature-based conditional pronunciation modeling for speaker verification. Speech Communication 48(1): 71-84 (2006)
4EEK. Y. Leung, Eric W. M. Wong, K. H. Yeung: Designing Efficient and Robust Caching Algorithms for Streaming-on-Demand Services on the Internet. World Wide Web 7(3): 297-314 (2004)
3EEK. Y. Leung, Eric W. M. Wong, K. H. Yeung: Design of Distributed Video Cache System on the Internet. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 948-953
2EEKit Fai Pun, R. C. M. Yam, H. Sun, K. Y. Leung: A concurrent engineering approach for business collaboration: a case in the toy industry. IJSTM 4(2): 156-173 (2003)
1EEK. Y. Leung, K. H. Yeung: The Design and Implementation of a WWW Traffic Generator. ICPADS 2000: 509-514

Coauthor Index

1Sun-Yuan Kung [5]
2Man-Wai Mak [5]
3Kit Fai Pun [2]
4M. H. Siu [5]
5H. Sun [2]
6Eric Wing Ming Wong (Eric W. M. Wong) [3] [4]
7R. C. M. Yam [2]
8K. H. Yeung [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)