
Håkan Lennerstad

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21EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Slack-based global multiprocessor scheduling of aperiodic tasks in parallel embedded real-time systems. AICCSA 2008: 465-472
20EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Guaranteeing Response Times for Aperiodic Tasks in Global Multiprocessor Scheduling. Real-Time Systems 35(2): 135-151 (2007)
19EEKamilla Klonowska, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad, Charlie Svahnberg: Extended Golomb Rulers as the New Recovery Schemes in Distributed Dependable Computing. IPDPS 2005
18EEKamilla Klonowska, Håkan Lennerstad, Lars Lundberg, Charlie Svahnberg: Optimal recovery schemes in fault tolerant distributed computing. Acta Inf. 41(6): 341-365 (2005)
17EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad, Kamilla Klonowska, Göran Gustafsson: Using Optimal Golomb Rulers for Minimizing Collisions in Closed Hashing. ASIAN 2004: 157-168
16EEKamilla Klonowska, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad, Charlie Svahnberg: Using Modulo Rulers for Optimal Recovery Schemes in Distributed Computing. PRDC 2004: 133-142
15EEKamilla Klonowska, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad, Magnus Broberg: Comparing the Optimal Performance of Parallel Architectures. Comput. J. 47(5): 527-544 (2004)
14 Lars Lundberg, Kamilla Klonowska, Magnus Broberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Comparing the Optimal Performance of Multiprocessor Architectures. Applied Informatics 2003: 750-760
13EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Global Multiprocessor Scheduling of Aperiodic Tasks using Time-Independent Priorities. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2003: 170-180
12EEKamilla Klonowska, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Using Golomb Rulers for Optimal Recovery Schemes in Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing. IPDPS 2003: 213
11 Magnus Nilsson, Håkan Lennerstad: An upper bound on the minimum Euclidean distance for block-coded phase-shift keying. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 656-662 (2000)
10 Håkan Lennerstad, Lars Lundberg: Optimal Combinatorial Functions Comparing Multiprocess Allocation Performance in Multiprocessor Systems. SIAM J. Comput. 29(6): 1816-1838 (2000)
9EEHåkan Lennerstad, Lars Lundberg: Optimal Worst Case Formulas Comparing Cache Memory Associativity. SIAM J. Comput. 30(3): 872-905 (2000)
8EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Optimal Bounds on the Gain of Permitting Dynamic Allocation of Communication Channels in Distributed Computing. Acta Inf. 36(6): 425-446 (1999)
7EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Comparing the Optimal Performance of Different MIMD Multiprocessor Architectures. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 498-502
6EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Using Recorded Values for Bounding the Minimum Completion Time in Multiprocessors. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(4): 346-358 (1998)
5 Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Optimal Bounds on the Gain of Permitting Dynamic Allocation of Communication Channels in Distributed Processing. OPODIS 1997: 29-44
4 Lars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: Bounding the Gain of Changing the Number of Memory Modules in Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Nord. J. Comput. 4(2): 233-258 (1997)
3 Håkan Lennerstad, Lars Lundberg: Combinatorics for Multiprocessor Scheduling Optimization and Oter Contexts in Computer Architecture. Combinatorics and Computer Science 1995: 341-347
2 Håkan Lennerstad, Lars Lundberg: An Optimal Execution Time Estimate of Static Versus Dynamic Allocation in Multiprocessor Systems. SIAM J. Comput. 24(4): 751-764 (1995)
1EELars Lundberg, Håkan Lennerstad: An optimal upper bound on the minimal completion time in distributed supercomputing. International Conference on Supercomputing 1994: 196-203

Coauthor Index

1Magnus Broberg [14] [15]
2Göran Gustafsson [17]
3Kamilla Klonowska [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
4Lars Lundberg [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
5Magnus Nilsson [11]
6Charlie Svahnberg [16] [18] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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