
M. Leng

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3 M. Boudvillain, R. Dalbies, C. Aussourd, M. Leng: Intrastrand cross-links are not formed in the reaction between transplatin and native DNA: relation with the clinical inefficiency of transplatin. Nucleic Acids Research 23(13): 2381-2388 (1995)
2 J. M. Malinge, M. Sip, A. J. Blacker, J.-M. Lehn, M. Leng: Formation of a DNA monofunctional cis-platinum adduct cross-linking the intercalating drug N-methyl-2, 7-diazapyrenium. Nucleic Acids Research 18(13): 3887-3891 (1990)
1 B. Hartmann, N. T. Thuong, J. Pouyet, M. Ptak, M. Leng: Spectroscopic studies of (m5dC-dG)3: thermal stability of B- and Z- forms. Nucleic Acids Research 11(13): 4453-4466 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1C. Aussourd [3]
2A. J. Blacker [2]
3M. Boudvillain [3]
4R. Dalbies [3]
5B. Hartmann [1]
6J.-M. Lehn [2]
7J. M. Malinge [2]
8J. Pouyet [1]
9M. Ptak [1]
10M. Sip [2]
11N. T. Thuong [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)