
Charles Lenay

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6EECharles Lenay, Indira Thouvenin, Anne Guénand, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart, Barthelemy Maillet: Designing the ground for pleasurable experience. DPPI 2007: 35-58
5EEMounia Ziat, Charles Lenay, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart, Amal Ali Ammar, Dominique Aubert: Perceptive Supplementation for an Access to Graphical Interfaces. HCI (5) 2007: 841-850
4EEMounia Ziat, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart, Charles Lenay, Jerome Bausse: Design of a Haptic Zoom: levels and steps. WHC 2007: 102-108
3EEMounia Ziat, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart, Charles Lenay: Haptic recognition of shapes at different scales: A comparison of two methods of interaction. Interacting with Computers 19(1): 121-132 (2007)
2EEMounia Ziat, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart, Charles Lenay: A comparison of two methods of scaling on form perception via a haptic interface. ICMI 2005: 236-243
1EEMounia Ziat, Olivier Gapenne, Charles Lenay, John Stewart: Acuité perceptive via une interface pseudo-haptique. IHM 2004: 263-266

Coauthor Index

1Amal Ali Ammar [5]
2Dominique Aubert [5]
3Jerome Bausse [4]
4Olivier Gapenne [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Anne Guénand [6]
6Barthelemy Maillet [6]
7John Stewart [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Indira Thouvenin [6]
9Mounia Ziat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)