
Lenin Lemus

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7EEDavid de Andrés, José Albaladejo, Lenin Lemus, Pedro J. Gil: Fast Run-Time Reconfiguration for SEU Injection. EDCC 2005: 230-245
6EEJuan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia, Pedro Yuste, Pedro J. Gil, Lenin Lemus: On Benchmarking the Dependability of Automotive Engine Control Applications. DSN 2004: 857-866
5EEJosé Albaladejo, David de Andrés, Lenin Lemus, Joaquim Salvi: Codesign methodology for computer vision applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems 28(5-6): 303-316 (2004)
4EEPedro Yuste, David de Andrés, Lenin Lemus, Juan José Serrano, Pedro J. Gil: INERTE: Integrated NExus-Based Real-Time Fault Injection Tool for Embedded Systems. DSN 2003: 669
3EEPedro Yuste, Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia, Lenin Lemus, Pedro J. Gil: Non-intrusive Software-Implemented Fault Injection in Embedded Systems. LADC 2003: 23-38
2 Miguel A. Mateo, Julio Pons, Román García, Lenin Lemus: A Multiagent System for the Concurrent Execution of Simulation Replicas. ESM 2002: 60-64
1 Lenin Lemus, David de Andrés, Pedro J. Gil: An alternative to unify performance and reliability analysis of industrial applications. ESM 2000: 326-330

Coauthor Index

1José Albaladejo [5] [7]
2David de Andrés [1] [4] [5] [7]
3Román García [2]
4Pedro J. Gil [1] [3] [4] [6] [7]
5Miguel A. Mateo [2]
6Julio Pons [2]
7Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia [3] [6]
8Joaquim Salvi [5]
9Juan José Serrano [4]
10Pedro Yuste [3] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)