
Vincent Lemaire

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15 Vincent Lemaire, Carine Hue: Exploration des corrélations dans un classifieur - Application au placement d'offres commerciales. EGC 2009: 61-66
14EEAlexis Bondu, Marc Boullé, Vincent Lemaire, Stéphane Loiseau, Bétice Duval: A Non-parametric Semi-supervised Discretization Method. ICDM 2008: 53-62
13EEVincent Lemaire, Raphaël Feraud, Nicolas Voisine: Contact personalization using a score understanding method. IJCNN 2008: 649-654
12EEAlexis Bondu, Vincent Lemaire: Adaptive curiosity for emotions detection in speech. IJCNN 2008: 674-680
11 Vincent Lemaire, Raphaël Feraud: Une méthode d'interprétation de scores. EGC 2007: 191-192
10 Alexis Bondu, Vincent Lemaire, Barbara Poulain: Apprentissage actif d'émotions dans les dialogues Homme-Machine. EGC 2007: 427-432
9EEAlexis Bondu, Vincent Lemaire, Barbara Poulain: Active Learning Strategies: A Case Study for Detection of Emotions in Speech. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2007: 228-241
8 Nicolas Bonnel, Vincent Lemaire, Alexandre Cotarmanac'h, Annie Morin: Effective Organization and Visualization of Web Search Results. EuroIMSA 2006: 209-216
7EEBenedicte Bascle, Olivier Bernier, Vincent Lemaire: A Statistical Approach for Learning Invariants: Application to Image Color Correction and Learning Invariants to Illumination. ICONIP (2) 2006: 294-303
6EEVincent Lemaire, Raphaël Feraud: Driven Forward Features Selection: A Comparative Study on Neural Networks. ICONIP (2) 2006: 693-702
5EEBenedicte Bascle, Olivier Bernier, Vincent Lemaire: Illumination-Invariant Color Image Correction. IWICPAS 2006: 359-368
4EEVincent Lemaire, Fabrice Clérot: The Many Faces of a Kohonen Map A Case Study: SOM-based Clustering for On-Line Fraud Behavior Classification. Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery 2005: 1-13
3 Vincent Lemaire, Fabrice Clérot: SOM-Based Clustering for On-Line Fraud Behavior Classification: A Case study. FSKD 2002: 576-580
2 Vincent Lemaire, Olivier Bernier, Daniel Collobert, Fabrice Clérot: A New Method to Increase the Margin of Multilayer Perceptrons. Neural Processing Letters 11(1): 7-15 (2000)
1 Olivier Bernier, Michel Collobert, Raphaël Feraud, Vincent Lemaire, Jean-Emmanuel Viallet, Daniel Collobert: MULTRAK: A System for Automatic Multiperson Localization and Tracking in Real-Time. ICIP (1) 1998: 136-140

Coauthor Index

1Benedicte Bascle [5] [7]
2Olivier Bernier [1] [2] [5] [7]
3Alexis Bondu [9] [10] [12] [14]
4Nicolas Bonnel [8]
5Marc Boullé [14]
6Fabrice Clérot [2] [3] [4]
7Daniel Collobert [1] [2]
8Michel Collobert [1]
9Alexandre Cotarmanac'h [8]
10Bétice Duval [14]
11Raphaël Feraud [1] [6] [11] [13]
12Carine Hue [15]
13Stéphane Loiseau [14]
14Annie Morin [8]
15Barbara Poulain [9] [10]
16Jean-Emmanuel Viallet [1]
17Nicolas Voisine [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)