
Marc Lelarge

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15EEDavid J. Aldous, Charles Bordenave, Marc Lelarge: Dynamic Programming Optimization over Random Data: The Scaling Exponent for Near-Optimal Solutions. SIAM J. Comput. 38(6): 2382-2410 (2009)
14EEJean-Chrysostome Bolot, Marc Lelarge: A New Perspective on Internet Security using Insurance. INFOCOM 2008: 1948-1956
13EEHamed Amini, Moez Draief, Marc Lelarge: Marketing in a Random Network. NET-COOP 2008: 17-25
12EEMarc Lelarge, Jean Bolot: A local mean field analysis of security investments in networks. NetEcon 2008: 25-30
11EEMarc Lelarge, Jean Bolot: Network externalities and the deployment of security features and protocols in the internet. SIGMETRICS 2008: 37-48
10EEMarc Lelarge: Diffusion of Innovations on Random Networks: Understanding the Chasm. WINE 2008: 178-185
9EEMarc Lelarge, Jean Bolot: A Local Mean Field Analysis of Security Investments in Networks CoRR abs/0803.3455: (2008)
8EEHamed Amini, Marc Lelarge: Optimal Marketing Policy in a Random Network CoRR abs/0805.3155: (2008)
7EEMarc Lelarge: Tail Asymptotics for Discrete Event Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 18(4): 563-584 (2008)
6EECathy H. Xia, Zhen Liu, Donald F. Towsley, Marc Lelarge: Scalability of fork/join queueing networks with blocking. SIGMETRICS 2007: 133-144
5EEMarc Lelarge, Zhen Liu, Anton Riabov: Automatic Composition of Secure Workflows. ATC 2006: 322-331
4EEMarc Lelarge: Tail asymptotics for discrete event systems. VALUETOOLS 2006: 36
3EEA. B. Dieker, Marc Lelarge: Tails for (max, plus) recursions under subexponentiality. Queueing Syst. 53(4): 213-230 (2006)
2EEMarc Lelarge, Zhen Liu, Cathy H. Xia: Asymptotic Tail Distribution of End-to-End Delay in Networks of Queues with Self-Similar Cross Traffic. INFOCOM 2004
1EEFrançois Baccelli, Marc Lelarge, Serguei Foss: Asymptotics of Subexponential Max Plus Networks: the Stochastic Event Graph Case. Queueing Syst. 46(1-2): 75-96 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1David J. Aldous [15]
2Hamed Amini [8] [13]
3François Baccelli [1]
4Jean-Chrysostome Bolot (Jean Bolot) [9] [11] [12] [14]
5Charles Bordenave [15]
6A. B. Dieker [3]
7Moez Draief [13]
8Serguei Foss [1]
9Zhen Liu [2] [5] [6]
10Anton Riabov [5]
11Donald F. Towsley [6]
12Cathy H. Xia [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)