
John E. Leide

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8EECharles-Antoine Julien, John E. Leide, France Bouthillier: Controlled user evaluations of information visualization interfaces for text retrieval: Literature review and meta-analysis. JASIST 59(6): 1012-1024 (2008)
7EECharles Cole, Yang Lin, John E. Leide, Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti: A classification of mental models of undergraduates seeking information for a course essay in history and psychology: Preliminary investigations into aligning their mental models with online thesauri. JASIST 58(13): 2092-2104 (2007)
6EEJohn E. Leide, Charles Cole, Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large, Yang Lin: Task-based information retrieval: Structuring undergraduate history essays for better course evaluation using essay-type visualizations. JASIST 58(9): 1227-1241 (2007)
5EEKwan Yi, Jamshid Beheshti, Charles Cole, John E. Leide, Andrew Large: User search behavior of domain-specific information retrieval systems: An analysis of the query logs from PsycINFO and ABC-Clio's Historical Abstracts/America: History and Life. JASIST 57(9): 1208-1220 (2006)
4EECharles Cole, John E. Leide, Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large, Martin Brooks: Investigating the Anomalous States of Knowledge hypothesis in a real-life problem situation: A study of history and psychology undergraduates seeking information for a course essay. JASIST 56(14): 1544-1554 (2005)
3EECharles Cole, John E. Leide, Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti, Martin Brooks: Putting it together online: Information need identification for the domain novice user. JASIST 56(7): 684-694 (2005)
2EEJohn E. Leide, Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti, Martin Brooks, Charles Cole: Visualization schemes for domain novices exploring a topic space: the navigation classification scheme. Inf. Process. Manage. 39(6): 923-940 (2003)
1EECharles Cole, John E. Leide: Using the User's Mental Model to Guide the Integration of Information Space into Information Nee. JASIST 54(1): 39-46 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Jamshid Beheshti [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2France Bouthillier [8]
3Martin Brooks [2] [3] [4]
4Charles Cole [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Charles-Antoine Julien [8]
6Andrew Large [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Yang Lin [6] [7]
8Kwan Yi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)