
Tom Lehman

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9EEFiona Leung, Jaroslav Flidr, Chris Tracy, Xi Yang, Tom Lehman, Bijan Jabbari, Don Riley, Jerry Sobieski: The DRAGON Project and Application Specific Topologies. BROADNETS 2006
8EELadan Gharai, Tom Lehman, Alvaro Saurin, Colin Perkins: Experiences with High Definition Interactive Video Conferencing. ICME 2006: 433-436
7EEXi Yang, Chris Tracy, Jerry Sobieski, Tom Lehman: GMPLS-Based Dynamic Provisioning and Traffic Engineering of High-Capacity Ethernet Circuits in Hybrid Optical/Packet Networks. INFOCOM 2006
6EEXi Yang, Tom Lehman, Chris Tracy, Jerry Sobieski, Shujia Gong, Payam Torab, Bijan Jabbari: Policy-Based Resource Management and Service Provisioning in GMPLS Networks. INFOCOM 2006
5EEPayam Torab, Bijan Jabbari, Qian Xu, Shujia Gong, Xi Yang, Tom Lehman, Chris Tracy, Jerry Sobieski: On Cooperative Inter-Domain Path Computation. ISCC 2006: 511-518
4EEJerry Sobieski, Tom Lehman, Bijan Jabbari, Chester A. Ruszczyk, Rick Summerhill, Alan Whitney: Dynamic provisioning of LightPath services for radio astronomy applications. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 984-992 (2006)
3 Ladan Gharai, Colin Perkins, Tom Lehman: Packet Reordering, High Speed Networks and Transport Protocol Performance. ICCCN 2004: 73-78
2EEPeter Bellows, Jaroslav Flidr, Tom Lehman, Brian Schott, Keith D. Underwood: GRIP: A Reconfigurable Architecture for Host-Based Gigabit-Rate Packet Processing. FCCM 2002: 121-130
1EETim Grembowski, Roar Lien, Kris Gaj, Nghi Nguyen, Peter Bellows, Jaroslav Flidr, Tom Lehman, Brian Schott: Comparative Analysis of the Hardware Implementations of Hash Functions SHA-1 and SHA-512. ISC 2002: 75-89

Coauthor Index

1Peter Bellows [1] [2]
2Jaroslav Flidr [1] [2] [9]
3Kris Gaj [1]
4Ladan Gharai [3] [8]
5Shujia Gong [5] [6]
6Tim Grembowski [1]
7Bijan Jabbari [4] [5] [6] [9]
8Fiona Leung [9]
9Roar Lien [1]
10Nghi Nguyen [1]
11Colin Perkins [3] [8]
12Don Riley [9]
13Chester A. Ruszczyk [4]
14Alvaro Saurin [8]
15Brian Schott [1] [2]
16Jerry Sobieski [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
17Rick Summerhill [4]
18Payam Torab [5] [6]
19Chris Tracy [5] [6] [7] [9]
20Keith D. Underwood [2]
21Alan Whitney [4]
22Qian Xu [5]
23Xi Yang [5] [6] [7] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)