
Yuro Lee

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6EEYuro Lee, Jaemin Ahn, Sok-Kyu Lee: Multi-rate QR-MDD for High Data Rate Transmission in Nomadic Local Wireless Access. WiMob 2008: 644-648
5EEYounghwan Jin, Jihyeon Kwon, Yuro Lee, Dongchan Lee, Jaemin Ahn: Obtained Diversity Gain in OFDM Systems under the Influence of IQ Imbalance. IEICE Transactions 91-B(3): 814-820 (2008)
4EEYounghwan Jin, Jihyun Kwon, Yuro Lee, Jaemin Ahn, Wongyu Choi, Dongchan Lee: Additional Diversity Gain in OFDM Receivers under the Influence of IQ Imbalances. ICC 2007: 5915-5920
3EEYuro Lee, Minho Cheong, Seokhyun Yoon, Sok-Kyu Lee: A New MIMO System for Gbps Transmission. VTC Fall 2007: 442-446
2EEYounghwan Jin, Jihyun Kwon, Yuro Lee, Jaemin Ahn, Wongyu Choi, Dongchan Lee: Obtaining Diversity Gain Coming from IQ Imbalances in OFDM Receivers. VTC Spring 2007: 2175-2179
1 Seong Chul Cho, Yuro Lee, Dong Seung Kwon, Kyoung-Rok Cho: Turbo-Coded OFDM/TDMA System for Beyond 3G Mobile Multimedia Communications. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 413-417

Coauthor Index

1Jaemin Ahn [2] [4] [5] [6]
2Minho Cheong [3]
3Kyoung-Rok Cho [1]
4Seong Chul Cho [1]
5Wongyu Choi [2] [4]
6Younghwan Jin [2] [4] [5]
7Dong Seung Kwon [1]
8Jihyeon Kwon [5]
9Jihyun Kwon [2] [4]
10Dongchan Lee [2] [4] [5]
11Sok-Kyu Lee [3] [6]
12Seokhyun Yoon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)