
Sung-Woon Lee

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15EEHyun-Sung Kim, Sung-Woon Lee: Semi-systolic Modular Multiplier over GF(2m). ICCSA (2) 2008: 836-844
14 Hyun-Sung Kim, Chang-Yong Lee, Sung-Woon Lee: Energy Efficient Data-centric Routing Protocol Over Wireless Sensor Network. PDPTA 2007: 325-329
13EEHyun-Sung Kim, Sung-Woon Lee: LFSR multipliers over GF(2m) defined by all-one polynomial. Integration 40(4): 473-478 (2007)
12EEHyun-Sung Kim, Sung-Woon Lee: Low Complexity Systolic Architecture for Modular Multiplication over GF(2m). International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 634-640
11EESung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Improvement of Lee and Lee's authenticated key agreement scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(3): 1049-1053 (2005)
10EESung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Improvement of HWWM-authenticated key agreement protocol. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(3): 1315-1320 (2005)
9EESung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Efficient nonce-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 355-361 (2005)
8EESung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Efficient verifier-based key agreement protocol for three parties without server's public key. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(2): 996-1003 (2005)
7EESung-Woon Lee, Woo-Hun Kim, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Efficient Password-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. ICCSA (4) 2004: 617-626
6EESung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Cryptanalysis of a user authentication scheme using hash functions. Operating Systems Review 38(1): 24-28 (2004)
5 Woo-Hun Kim, Hyun-Sung Kim, Sung-Woon Lee, Kee-Young Yoo: Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 5-8
4EESung-Woon Lee, Kee-Young Yoo: Parallelizable Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. PPAM 2003: 1014-1019
3EESung-Woon Lee, Woo-Hun Kim, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Parallizable simple authenticated key agreement protocol . Operating Systems Review 37(2): 13-18 (2003)
2EESung-Woon Lee, Woo-Hun Kim, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Parallizable simple authenticated key agreement protocol. Operating Systems Review 37(3): 17-22 (2003)
1EEHyun-Sung Kim, Sung-Woon Lee, Kee-Young Yoo: ID-based password authentication scheme using smart cards and fingerprints. Operating Systems Review 37(4): 32-41 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Hyun-Sung Kim [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
2Woo-Hun Kim [2] [3] [5] [7]
3Chang-Yong Lee [14]
4Kee-Young Yoo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)