
Sangrok Lee

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4EESungkuen Lee, Eallae Kim, Yongwon Lee, Sangrok Lee, Daekwang Jung, Seongtaek Hwang, Yunje Oh, Jinwoo Park: A Design of WDM/TDM-PON Provisioning for Future Optical Access Network Upgrade. IEICE Transactions 90-B(9): 2456-2463 (2007)
3EESangrok Lee, James C. Morizio, Kristina M. Johnson: A LCOS microdisplay driver with frame buffer pixels. Inf. Sci. 149(1-3): 3-11 (2003)
2 Sangrok Lee, James C. Morizio, Kristina M. Johnson: A LOCS Microdisplay Driver with Frame Buffering Pixels. JCIS 2002: 1353-1356
1EEJintae Yu, Myungmoon Lee, Yongbum Kim, Yongwon Lee, Sangrok Lee, Lynn Choi, Jinwoo Park: WDM/SCM multiple access protocol with high throughput and low packet delay for passive double star networks. Computer Networks 39(2): 151-164 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Lynn Choi [1]
2Seongtaek Hwang [4]
3Kristina M. Johnson [2] [3]
4Daekwang Jung [4]
5Eallae Kim [4]
6Yongbum Kim [1]
7Myungmoon Lee [1]
8Sungkuen Lee [4]
9Yongwon Lee [1] [4]
10James C. Morizio [2] [3]
11Yunje Oh [4]
12Jinwoo Park [1] [4]
13Jintae Yu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)