
Sangmin Lee

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13EEDiwaker Gupta, Sangmin Lee, Michael Vrable, Stefan Savage, Alex C. Snoeren, George Varghese, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Amin Vahdat: Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines. OSDI 2008: 309-322
12EEDoo Il Choi, Tae-Sung Kim, Sangmin Lee: Analysis of an MMPP/G/1/K queue with queue length dependent arrival rates, and its application to preventive congestion control in telecommunication networks. European Journal of Operational Research 187(2): 652-659 (2008)
11EESangmin Lee, Hong-Yeon Kim, Young-Kyun Kim, June Kim, Myoung-Joon Kim: Supporting Extended UNIX Remove Semantics in the OASIS Cluster Filesystem. ICCSA (1) 2007: 178-188
10EESangmin Lee, Keecheon Kim: An Effective Local Repair Scheme Using Candidate Node and Hello Message in AODV. ISPA Workshops 2007: 105-114
9EESangmin Lee, In-Young Kim, Young-Cheol Park: Approximated affine projection algorithm for feedback cancellation in hearing aids. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 87(3): 254-261 (2007)
8EEDoo Il Choi, Tae-Sung Kim, Sangmin Lee: Analysis of a queueing system with a general service scheduling function, with applications to telecommunication network traffic control. European Journal of Operational Research 178(2): 463-471 (2007)
7EEYoung Woo Lee, Sangmin Lee, Yoon Sang Ji, Jong Shill Lee, Young Joon Chee, Sung Hwa Hong, Sun I. Kim, In-Young Kim: An Efficient Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Digital Hearing Aids Based on Modified Spectral Subtraction and Companding. IEICE Transactions 90-A(8): 1628-1635 (2007)
6EEYoung-Kyun Kim, Hong-Yeon Kim, Sangmin Lee, June Kim, Myoung-Joon Kim: OASIS: Implementation of a Cluster File System Using Object-Based Storage Devices. ICCSA (1) 2006: 1053-1061
5EESangmin Lee, In-Young Kim, Young-Cheol Park: An Efficient Feedback Canceler for Hearing Aids Based on Approximated Affine Projection. ICIC (3) 2006: 711-720
4EESangmin Lee, Keecheon Kim: An Effective Path Recovery Mechanism for AODV Using Candidate Node. ISPA Workshops 2006: 1117-1125
3EEIn-Ho Song, Sangmin Lee, In-Young Kim, Doo-Soo Lee, Sun I. Kim: Mutifractal Analysis of Electroencephalogram Time Series in Humans. IWANN 2005: 921-926
2EEMoonsik Kang, Junho Lee, Sangmin Lee: An Adapting Weight Rerouting Algorithm for Handoff Control in Wireless ATM Networks. AISA 2002: 103-114
1 Sangmin Lee, Kim A. Winick: Very noisy channels, reliability functions, and exponentially optimum codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(3): 647-661 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Young Joon Chee [7]
2Doo Il Choi [8] [12]
3Diwaker Gupta [13]
4Sung Hwa Hong [7]
5Yoon Sang Ji [7]
6Moonsik Kang [2]
7Hong-Yeon Kim [6] [11]
8In-Young Kim [3] [5] [7] [9]
9June Kim [6] [11]
10Keecheon Kim [4] [10]
11Myoung-Joon Kim [6] [11]
12Sun I. Kim [3] [7]
13Tae-Sung Kim [8] [12]
14Young-Kyun Kim [6] [11]
15Doo-Soo Lee [3]
16Jong Shill Lee [7]
17Junho Lee [2]
18Young Woo Lee [7]
19Young-Cheol Park [5] [9]
20Stefan Savage [13]
21Alex C. Snoeren [13]
22In-Ho Song [3]
23Amin Vahdat [13]
24George Varghese [13]
25Geoffrey M. Voelker [13]
26Michael Vrable [13]
27Kim A. Winick [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)