
Jong Shill Lee

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3EEBaek Hwan Cho, Hwanjo Yu, Jong Shill Lee, Young Joon Chee, In-Young Kim, Sun I. Kim: Nonlinear Support Vector Machine Visualization for Risk Factor Analysis Using Nomograms and Localized Radial Basis Function Kernels. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12(2): 247-256 (2008)
2EEJong Shill Lee, Baek Hwan Cho, Young Joon Chee, In-Young Kim, Sun I. Kim: A New Approach for Personal Identification Based on dVCG. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 1201-1205 (2008)
1EEYoung Woo Lee, Sangmin Lee, Yoon Sang Ji, Jong Shill Lee, Young Joon Chee, Sung Hwa Hong, Sun I. Kim, In-Young Kim: An Efficient Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Digital Hearing Aids Based on Modified Spectral Subtraction and Companding. IEICE Transactions 90-A(8): 1628-1635 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Young Joon Chee [1] [2] [3]
2Baek Hwan Cho [2] [3]
3Sung Hwa Hong [1]
4Yoon Sang Ji [1]
5In-Young Kim [1] [2] [3]
6Sun I. Kim [1] [2] [3]
7Sangmin Lee [1]
8Young Woo Lee [1]
9Hwanjo Yu [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)