
Sang-Bae Lee

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7EEGwan-Hyung Kim, Sung-In Kang, Sang-Bae Lee: A study on the estimate of weld bead shape and the compensation of welding parameters by considering weld defects in horizontal fillet welding. KES 1999: 212-216
6EESung-In Kang, Gwan-Hyung Kim, Sang-Bae Lee: A study on the horizontal fillet welding using neural networks. KES 1999: 217-221
5 Tae-Hyong Kim, Ik-Soon Hwang, Chan-Min Park, Jai-Yong Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: Automatic Test Case Generation of Real Protocols: Framework and Methodology. FORTE 1998: 127-140
4EEKil-Hung Lee, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jai-Yong Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: Loop-expanding fast restoration. NOMS 1998: 513-522
3EEYong-Hoon Choi, Kil-Hung Lee, Jai-Yong Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: A method of gathering end-to-end management information. NOMS 1998: 849-858
2 Young-Il Kim, Jai-Hoon Chung, Chang Soo Lim, Jai-Young Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: A Hybrid Performance Management Scheme for OAM Function Supporting QoS Management in ATM Network. ICC (1) 1997: 251-255
1EESang-Bae Lee: Industrial robotic systems with fuzzy logic controller and neural network. KES (2) 1997: 599-606

Coauthor Index

1Yong-Hoon Choi [3] [4]
2Jai-Hoon Chung [2]
3Ik-Soon Hwang [5]
4Sung-In Kang [6] [7]
5Gwan-Hyung Kim [6] [7]
6Tae-Hyong Kim [5]
7Young-Il Kim [2]
8Jai-Yong Lee [3] [4] [5]
9Jai-Young Lee [2]
10Kil-Hung Lee [3] [4]
11Chang Soo Lim [2]
12Chan-Min Park [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)