
Yong-Hoon Choi

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15EEYoung-uk Chung, Yong-Hoon Choi, Hyukjoon Lee: Performance Analysis of Group Handoff in Multihop Mesh Relay System. APNOMS 2006: 594-597
14EEHyukjoon Lee, Yong-Hoon Choi, Young-uk Chung, Seomin Yang: A Joint MAC Discovery-Routing Protocol for Self-Organizing Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks. ISPA Workshops 2006: 1107-1116
13EEBeomjoon Kim, Jaesung Park, Yong-Hoon Choi: Power Saving Mechanisms of IEEE 802.16e: Sleep Mode vs. Idle Mode. ISPA Workshops 2006: 332-340
12EEBeomjoon Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jaiyong Lee: An Extended Model for TCP Loss Recovery Latency with Random Packet Losses. IEICE Transactions 89-B(1): 28-37 (2006)
11EEYong-Hoon Choi, Ik-Soon Hwang: In-service QoS monitoring of real-time applications using SM MIB. Int. Journal of Network Management 15(1): 31-42 (2005)
10EEYong-Hoon Choi, Jaesung Park, Beomjoon Kim: Adaptive bandwidth provisioning in an integrated 3G and WLAN environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5: 619-632 (2005)
9EEYong-Hoon Choi, Beomjoon Kim, Jaesung Park: A Network Management Approach for QoS Evaluation of IP Multimedia Services. ADVIS 2004: 605-614
8EEBeomjoon Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jaesung Park: Lost Retransmission Detection for TCP Part 1: TCP Reno and NewReno. ECUMN 2004: 165-174
7EEYong-Hoon Choi, Beomjoon Kim, Jaesung Park: End-to-End Quality of Service Monitoring Using ICMP and SNMP. ECUMN 2004: 40-49
6EEJaesung Park, Beomjoon Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi: On the Efficacy of PPPMux Within Radio Access Network. ECUMN 2004: 521-530
5EEJaesung Park, Beomjoon Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi: A Performance Evaluation of PPP Multiplexing Within UTRAN. EUC 2004: 472-481
4EEBeomjoon Kim, Jaesung Park, Yong-Hoon Choi: Modeling TCP Loss Recovery Latency with the Number of Retransmissions. ISCIS 2004: 207-216
3EEBeomjoon Kim, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jaiyong Lee, Min-seok Oh, Jin-Sung Choi: Lost Retransmission Detection for TCP Part 2: TCP Using SACK Option. NETWORKING 2004: 88-99
2EEKil-Hung Lee, Yong-Hoon Choi, Jai-Yong Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: Loop-expanding fast restoration. NOMS 1998: 513-522
1EEYong-Hoon Choi, Kil-Hung Lee, Jai-Yong Lee, Sang-Bae Lee: A method of gathering end-to-end management information. NOMS 1998: 849-858

Coauthor Index

1Jin-Sung Choi [3]
2Young-uk Chung [14] [15]
3Ik-Soon Hwang [11]
4Beomjoon Kim [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
5Hyukjoon Lee [14] [15]
6Jai-Yong Lee [1] [2]
7Jaiyong Lee [3] [12]
8Kil-Hung Lee [1] [2]
9Sang-Bae Lee [1] [2]
10Min-seok Oh [3]
11Jaesung Park [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
12Seomin Yang [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)