
Moon-Sang Lee

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4EEMoon-Sang Lee, Joonwon Lee, Seungryoul Maeng: Context-aware address translation for high performance SMP cluster system. CLUSTER 2008: 292-297
3EEMoon-Sang Lee, Sang-Kwon Lee, Joonwon Lee, Seung Ryoul Maeng: Adopting system call based address translation into user-level communication. Computer Architecture Letters 5(1): 26-29 (2006)
2EEMoon-Sang Lee, Young-Jae Kang, Joonwon Lee, Seung Ryoul Maeng: OPTS: increasing branch prediction accuracy under context switch. Microprocessors and Microsystems 26(6): 291-300 (2002)
1 Jung-Lok Yu, Moon-Sang Lee, Seung Ryoul Maeng: An Efficient Implementation of Virtual Interface Architecture using Adaptive Transfer Mechanism on Myrinet. ICPADS 2001: 741-747

Coauthor Index

1Young-Jae Kang [2]
2Joonwon Lee [2] [3] [4]
3Sang-Kwon Lee [3]
4Seung Ryoul Maeng (Seungryoul Maeng, Seungryul R. Maeng) [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Jung-Lok Yu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)