
M. C. Lee

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11EEScott McFaddin, D. Coffman, J. H. Han, H. K. Jang, J. H. Kim, J. K. Lee, M. C. Lee, Y. S. Moon, Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami, Y. S. Paik, J. W. Park, Danny Soroker: Modeling and Managing Mobile Commerce Spaces Using RESTful Data Services. MDM 2008: 81-89
10EEM. C. Lee, M. S. Joun: Adaptive triangular element generation and optimization-based smoothing, Part 1: On the plane. Advances in Engineering Software 39(1): 25-34 (2008)
9EEM. C. Lee, M. S. Joun: Adaptive triangular element generation and optimization-based smoothing: Part 2. On the surface. Advances in Engineering Software 39(1): 35-46 (2008)
8EEShan Li, M. C. Lee: Detection of Variant Wipe Effects. ICME 2006: 1805-1808
7 Shan Li, M. C. Lee: Rotation and Scale Invariant Color Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Clustering. DMS 2005: 16-21
6EEM. C. Lee, Chun-Kan Fung: A public-key based authentication and key establishment protocol coupled with a client puzzle. JASIST 54(9): 810-823 (2003)
5 Chun-Kan Fung, M. C. Lee, M. Y. Wong: A Client Puzzle Based Public-key Authentication Protocol. SMARTNET 2002: 263-278
4 Seung-Hyun Han, Jae Weon Choi, K. Son, M. C. Lee, Jang Myung Lee, Man Hyung Lee: A Study on Feature-Based Visual Servoing Control of Eight Axes-Dual Arm Robot by Utilizing Redundant Feature. ICRA 2001: 2622-2627
3EEW. Chen, M. C. Lee: alpha-Channel Compression in Video Coding. ICIP (1) 1997: 500-503
2EEM. C. Lee, C. L. Tan, H. H. Teh: Product of Quasi-Group Graphs as Interconnection Network Topologies. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(3): 449-463 (1989)
1EEM. C. Lee, P. A. Samet: Intelligent computer-based instruction. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1987: 315-319

Coauthor Index

1W. Chen [3]
2Jae Weon Choi [4]
3D. Coffman [11]
4Chun-Kan Fung [5] [6]
5J. H. Han [11]
6Seung-Hyun Han [4]
7H. K. Jang [11]
8M. S. Joun [9] [10]
9J. H. Kim [11]
10J. K. Lee [11]
11Jang Myung Lee [4]
12Man Hyung Lee [4]
13Shan Li [7] [8]
14Scott McFaddin [11]
15Y. S. Moon [11]
16Chandrasekhar Narayanaswami [11]
17Y. S. Paik [11]
18J. W. Park [11]
19P. A. Samet [1]
20K. Son [4]
21Danny Soroker [11]
22C. L. Tan [2]
23H. H. Teh [2]
24M. Y. Wong [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)