
Kyung Ho Lee

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9EEKyung Ho Lee, Jae Joon Lee, Young Soo Han, Jung Min Lee, Byung Hak Lee: Agent-Based Collaborative System and Case-Based Conflict Resolution Process in Preliminary Ship Design. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 608-614
8EEKyung Ho Lee, Kyung Su Kim, Jang Hyun Lee, Jong Hoon Park, Dong Geun Kim, Dae Suk Kim: Development of Enhanced Data Mining System to Approximate Empirical Formula for Ship Design. KSEM 2007: 425-436
7EEKyung Ho Lee, June Oh, Jong Hoon Park: Development of Data Miner for the Ship Design Based on Polynomial Genetic Programming. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 981-985
6EEKyung Ho Lee, Yun Seok Yeun, Young Soon Yang, Jang Hyun Lee, June Oh: Data Analysis and Utilization Method Based on Genetic Programming in Ship Design. ICCSA (2) 2006: 1199-1209
5EEKyung Ho Lee, Kyu-Yeul Lee: Case-Based Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Ship Design System. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 826-829
4 Kyung Ho Lee, Yun Seog Yeun, W. S. Ruy, Young Soon Yang: Polynomial Genetic Programming for Response Surface Modeling. JCIS 2002: 572-577
3 Kyung Ho Lee, Kyu-Yeul Lee: Agent-based collaborative design system and conflict resolution based on a case-based reasoning approach. AI EDAM 16(2): 93-102 (2002)
2EEYun Seog Yeun, Kyung Ho Lee, Sang Min Han, Young Soon Yang: Smooth fitting with a method for determining the regularization parameter under the genetic programming algorithm. Inf. Sci. 133(3-4): 175-194 (2001)
1EEYun Seog Yeun, Kyung Ho Lee, Young Soon Yang: Function approximations by coupling neural networks and genetic programming trees with oblique decision trees. AI in Engineering 13(3): 223-239 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Sang Min Han [2]
2Young Soo Han [9]
3Dae Suk Kim [8]
4Dong Geun Kim [8]
5Kyung Su Kim [8]
6Byung Hak Lee [9]
7Jae Joon Lee [9]
8Jang Hyun Lee [6] [8]
9Jung Min Lee [9]
10Kyu-Yeul Lee [3] [5]
11June Oh [6] [7]
12Jong Hoon Park [7] [8]
13W. S. Ruy [4]
14Young Soon Yang [1] [2] [4] [6]
15Yun Seog Yeun [1] [2] [4]
16Yun Seok Yeun [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)