
In-Hee Lee

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8EEJin-Wu Nam, In-Hee Lee, Kyu Baek Hwang, Seong-Bae Park, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Dinucleotide Step Parameterization of Pre-miRNAs Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms. EvoBIO 2007: 176-186
7EEIn-Hee Lee, Soo-Yong Shin, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Multiplex PCR Assay Design by Hybrid Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm. EMO 2006: 376-385
6EESoo-Yong Shin, In-Hee Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Microarray Probe Design Using epsilon-Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Thermodynamic Criteria. EvoWorkshops 2006: 184-195
5EESoo-Yong Shin, In-Hee Lee, Dongmin Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Multiobjective evolutionary optimization of DNA sequences for reliable DNA computing. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 9(2): 143-158 (2005)
4EEIn-Hee Lee, Sun Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang: Multi-objective Evolutionary Probe Design Based on Thermodynamic Criteria for HPV Detection. PRICAI 2004: 742-750
3EEIn-Hee Lee, Ji-Yoon Park, Young-Gyu Chai, Byoung-Tak Zhang: RCA-Based Detection Methods for Resolution Refutation. DNA 2003: 32-36
2EEIn-Hee Lee, Ji-Yoon Park, Hae-Man Jang, Young-Gyu Chai, Byoung-Tak Zhang: DNA Implementation of Theorem Proving with Resolution Refutation in Propositional Logic. DNA 2002: 156-167
1EEDongmin Kim, Soo-Yong Shin, In-Hee Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang: NACST/Seq: A Sequence Design System with Multiobjective Optimization. DNA 2002: 242-251

Coauthor Index

1Young-Gyu Chai [2] [3]
2Kyu Baek Hwang [8]
3Hae-Man Jang [2]
4Dongmin Kim [1] [5]
5Sun Kim [4]
6Jin-Wu Nam [8]
7Ji-Yoon Park [2] [3]
8Seong-Bae Park [8]
9Soo-Yong Shin [1] [5] [6] [7]
10Byoung-Tak Zhang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)