
Eun-Seok Lee

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13 Jin-Hong Kim, Eun-Seok Lee: A Study of User XQuery Method for Personalization Recommendation in Semantic Web. WEC (2) 2005: 225-228
12EEMoon-Sik Kim, Eun-Seok Lee: A Design and Implementation of Cyber Banking Process and Settlement System for Internet Commerce. IDEAL 2000: 361-367
11EEJin-gang Kim, Eun-Seok Lee: Intelligent Information Recommend System on the Internet. ICPP Workshops 1999: 376-380
10EESeongjun Yun, Minseok Pang, Hongjin Cho, Jongho Chae, Yoonjung Choi, Eun-Seok Lee: User-Friendly Support Environment for Requirement Analysis in User Interface Design. ICPP Workshops 1999: 414-417
9 Eun-Seok Lee, Roberto Okada, I. G. Jeon: Agent-Based Support for Personalized Information with Web Search Engines. HCI (2) 1997: 783-786
8EEByung-Ho Park, Shigetomo Kimura, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: An equivalence algorithm to point out errors for basic LOTOS in a distributed system environment and its prototype. ICPADS 1997: 230-235
7EEJ. G. Lee, J. Y. Kang, Eun-Seok Lee: ICOMA: An Open Infrastructure for Agent-based Intelligent Electronic Commerce on the Internet. ICPADS 1997: 648-655
6EERoberto Okada, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: Agent-based approach for information gathering on highly distributed and heterogeneous environment. ICPADS 1996: 80-
5EERoberto Okada, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: A society of cooperative agents on the information network: towards intelligent information gathering. ICNP 1995: 218-225
4EEUshio Yamamoto, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: Similarity for reuse of specifications in communication software development. ICNP 1995: 22-
3 Ahmed Ashir, Ryoji Ono, Eun-Seok Lee, Goutam Chakraborty, Norio Shiratori: Communication of Multimedia Information among Adaptive Agents in Distributed Environment. MMNET 1995: 107-112
2 Roberto Okada, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: Multimedia Information Gathering Based on a Society of Cooperative Agents. MMNET 1995: 86-95
1 C. F. Huang, T. Karahasi, Eun-Seok Lee, Norio Shiratori: A Flexible Service Development Support System for Communication Systems by Reuse Methodology. ICPADS 1994: 426-431

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed Ashir [3]
2Jongho Chae [10]
3Goutam Chakraborty [3]
4Hongjin Cho [10]
5Yoonjung Choi [10]
6C. F. Huang [1]
7I. G. Jeon [9]
8J. Y. Kang [7]
9T. Karahasi [1]
10Jin-Hong Kim [13]
11Jin-gang Kim [11]
12Moon-Sik Kim [12]
13Shigetomo Kimura [8]
14J. G. Lee [7]
15Roberto Okada [2] [5] [6] [9]
16Ryoji Ono [3]
17Minseok Pang [10]
18Byung-Ho Park [8]
19Norio Shiratori [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
20Ushio Yamamoto [4]
21Seongjun Yun [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)