
Christine Lee

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3 Christine Lee, Mohd Sapiyan Baba: Bayesian and Fuzzy Logic Student Model in the C++ STL Intelligent Tutoring System. IMECS 2006: 98-103
2EESven Sahle, Ralph Gauges, Jürgen Pahle, Natalia Simus, Ursula Kummer, Stefan Hoops, Christine Lee, Mudita Singhal, Liang Xu, Pedro Mendes: Simulation of biochemical networks using COPASI: a complex pathway simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1698-1706
1EEStefan Hoops, Sven Sahle, Ralph Gauges, Christine Lee, Jürgen Pahle, Natalia Simus, Mudita Singhal, Liang Xu, Pedro Mendes, Ursula Kummer: COPASI - a COmplex PAthway SImulator. Bioinformatics 22(24): 3067-3074 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Mohd Sapiyan Baba [3]
2Ralph Gauges [1] [2]
3Stefan Hoops [1] [2]
4Ursula Kummer [1] [2]
5Pedro Mendes [1] [2]
6Jürgen Pahle [1] [2]
7Sven Sahle [1] [2]
8Natalia Simus [1] [2]
9Mudita Singhal [1] [2]
10Liang Xu [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)