
Bruno Leclerc

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17EEFlorent Domenach, Bruno Leclerc: The structure of the overhanging relations associated with some types of closure systems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 49(1-4): 137-149 (2007)
16EEAlain Guénoche, Bruno Leclerc, Vladimir Makarenkov: On the extension of a partial metric to a tree metric. Discrete Mathematics 276(1-3): 229-248 (2004)
15EEBruno Leclerc: The Median Procedure in the Semilattice of Orders. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(2): 285-302 (2003)
14EEFlorent Domenach, Bruno Leclerc: Biclosed Binary Relations and Galois Connections. Order 18(1): 89-104 (2001)
13EEAlain Guénoche, Bruno Leclerc, Vladimir Makarenkov: Generalized trees related with tree metrics. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 5: 152-154 (2000)
12EEMichel Deza, Bruno Leclerc: Preface. Eur. J. Comb. 21(6): 695- (2000)
11 Vladimir Makarenkov, Bruno Leclerc: Comparison of Additive Trees Using Circular Orders. Journal of Computational Biology 7(5): 731-744 (2000)
10EEBruno Leclerc: Medians in LLD Meet Semilattices and the Case of Orders. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2: 177 (1999)
9EEWalter Deubner, Michel Deza, Bruno Leclerc: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 192(1-3): 1 (1998)
8EEBruno Leclerc, Vladimir Makarenkov: On some relations between 2-trees and tree metrics. Discrete Mathematics 192(1-3): 223-249 (1998)
7EEBruno Leclerc: Families of chains of a poset and Sperner properties. Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 461-468 (1997)
6EEBruno Leclerc: Minimum Spanning Trees and Types of Dissimilarities. Eur. J. Comb. 17(2-3): 255-264 (1996)
5 Bruno Leclerc: Medians for Weight Metrics in the Covering Graphs of Semilattices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 281-297 (1994)
4EEBruno Leclerc: A Finite Coxeter Group the Weak Bruhat Order of which is not Symmetric Chain. Eur. J. Comb. 15(2): 181-185 (1994)
3EEBruno Leclerc: Lattice valuations, medians and majorities. Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 345-356 (1993)
2 Bruno Leclerc: Medians and Majorities in Semimodular Lattices. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(2): 266-276 (1990)
1EEClaude Flament, Bruno Leclerc: Arbres minimaux d'un graphe preordonne. Discrete Mathematics 46(2): 159-171 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Walter Deubner [9]
2Michel Deza [9] [12]
3Florent Domenach [14] [17]
4Claude Flament [1]
5Alain Guénoche (A. Guénoche) [13] [16]
6Vladimir Makarenkov [8] [11] [13] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)