
Emmanuelle Lebhar

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18EEPierre Fraigniaud, Cyril Gavoille, Adrian Kosowski, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Zvi Lotker: Universal augmentation schemes for network navigability. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 1970-1981 (2009)
17EEAugustin Chaintreau, Pierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar: Networks Become Navigable as Nodes Move and Forget. ICALP (1) 2008: 133-144
16EEPierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Laurent Viennot: The Inframetric Model for the Internet. INFOCOM 2008: 1085-1093
15EEEmmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Graph Augmentation via Metric Embedding. OPODIS 2008: 217-225
14EEAugustin Chaintreau, Pierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar: Forget him and keep on moving. PODC 2008: 415
13EEPierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Zvi Lotker: Recovering the Long-Range Links in Augmented Graphs. SIROCCO 2008: 104-118
12EEAugustin Chaintreau, Pierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar: Networks become navigable as nodes move and forget CoRR abs/0803.0248: (2008)
11EEPierre Fraigniaud, Cyril Gavoille, Adrian Kosowski, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Zvi Lotker: Universal augmentation schemes for network navigability: overcoming the sqrt(n)-barrier. SPAA 2007: 1-7
10EEPierre Fraigniaud, Amos Korman, Emmanuelle Lebhar: Local MST computation with short advice. SPAA 2007: 154-160
9EEMichel Habib, David Kelly, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Christophe Paul: Can transitive orientation make sandwich problems easier? Discrete Mathematics 307(16): 2030-2041 (2007)
8EEPierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Zvi Lotker: Brief Announcement: On Augmented Graph Navigability. DISC 2006: 551-553
7EEPierre Fraigniaud, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Zvi Lotker: A Doubling Dimension Threshold Theta(loglogn) for Augmented Graph Navigability. ESA 2006: 376-386
6EEPhilippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Towards small world emergence. SPAA 2006: 225-232
5EEPhilippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Could any graph be turned into a small-world? Theor. Comput. Sci. 355(1): 96-103 (2006)
4EEPhilippe Duchon, Nicolas Hanusse, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Could any Graph be Turned into a Small-World?. DISC 2005: 511-513
3EEEmmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Close to optimal decentralized routing in long-range contact networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 348(2-3): 294-310 (2005)
2EEEmmanuelle Lebhar, Nicolas Schabanel: Almost Optimal Decentralized Routing in Long-Range Contact Networks. ICALP 2004: 894-905
1EEMichel Habib, Emmanuelle Lebhar, Christophe Paul: A note on finding all homogeneous set sandwiches. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(3): 147-151 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Augustin Chaintreau [12] [14] [17]
2Philippe Duchon [4] [5] [6]
3Pierre Fraigniaud [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18]
4Cyril Gavoille [11] [18]
5Michel Habib [1] [9]
6Nicolas Hanusse [4] [5] [6]
7David Kelly [9]
8Amos Korman [10]
9Adrian Kosowski [11] [18]
10Zvi Lotker [7] [8] [11] [13] [18]
11Christophe Paul [1] [9]
12Nicolas Schabanel [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [15]
13Laurent Viennot [16]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)