
Geoff Leach

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7EEHenry Gardner, Chris Johnson, Geoff Leach, Pascal Vuylsteker: eScience curricula at two Australian universities. ACE 2005: 211-216
6EENigel Stewart, Geoff Leach, Sabu John: Improved CSG rendering using overlap graph subtraction sequences. GRAPHITE 2003: 47-53
5EEStefan Greuter, Jeremy Parker, Nigel Stewart, Geoff Leach: Real-time procedural generation of `pseudo infinite' cities. GRAPHITE 2003: 87-94
4EENigel Stewart, Geoff Leach, Sabu John: Linear-Time CSG Rendering of Intersected Convex Objects. WSCG 2002: 437-444
3EENigel Stewart, Geoff Leach, Sabu John: A Z-Buffer CSG Rendering Algorithm for Convex Objects. WSCG 2000
2EEGeoff Leach, James Gilbert: VRML Molecular Dynamics Trajectories. VRML 1999: 71-78
1 Geoff Leach, Ghassan al-Qaimari, Mark Grieve, Noel Jinks, Cameron McKay: Elements of a Three-dimensional Graphical User Interface. INTERACT 1997: 69-76

Coauthor Index

1Henry Gardner [7]
2James Gilbert [2]
3Stefan Greuter [5]
4Mark Grieve [1]
5Noel Jinks [1]
6Sabu John [3] [4] [6]
7Chris Johnson [7]
8Cameron McKay [1]
9Jeremy Parker [5]
10Nigel Stewart [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Pascal Vuylsteker [7]
12Ghassan al-Qaimari [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)