
Benny Lautrup

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5EEMads Nielsen, Peter Johansen, A. D. Jackson, Benny Lautrup: Brownian Warps: A Least Committed Prior for Non-rigid Registration. MICCAI (2) 2002: 557-564
4 Niels Mørch, Lars Kai Hansen, Stephen C. Strother, Claus Svarer, David A. Rottenberg, Benny Lautrup, Robert L. Savoy, Olaf B. Paulson: Nonlinear versus Linear Models in Functional Neuroimaging: Learning Curves and Generalization Crossover. IPMI 1997: 259-270
3EEJan Gorodkin, Lars Kai Hansen, Benny Lautrup, Sara A. Solla: Universal Distribution of Saliencies for Pruning in Layered Neural Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 8(5-6): 489-498 (1997)
2EEHenrik Fredholm, Henrik Bohr, Jakob Bohr, Søren Brunak, Rodney M. J. Cotterill, Benny Lautrup, Steffen B. Petersen: A Novel Approach to Prediction of the 3-Dimensional Structures. NIPS 1990: 523-529
1 Benny Lautrup: Monte Carlo Methods in Theoretical High-Energy Physics. Commun. ACM 28(4): 358-362 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Bohr [2]
2Jakob Bohr [2]
3Søren Brunak [2]
4Rodney M. J. Cotterill [2]
5Henrik Fredholm [2]
6Jan Gorodkin [3]
7Lars Kai Hansen [3] [4]
8A. D. Jackson [5]
9Peter Johansen [5]
10Niels Mørch [4]
11Mads Nielsen [5]
12Olaf B. Paulson [4]
13Steffen B. Petersen [2]
14David A. Rottenberg [4]
15Robert L. Savoy [4]
16Sara A. Solla [3]
17Stephen C. Strother [4]
18Claus Svarer [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)