
Henry Y. K. Lau

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21EEAlbert Ko, Henry Y. K. Lau, Nicole M. Y. Lee: AIS Based Distributed Wireless Sensor Network for Mobile Search and Rescue Robot Tracking. ICARIS 2008: 399-411
20EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Ying Zhao: Integrated scheduling of handling equipment at automated container terminals. Annals OR 159(1): 373-394 (2008)
19EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Albert Ko: An Immuno Robotic System for Humanitarian Search and Rescue (Application Stream). ICARIS 2007: 191-203
18EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong, Ivan S. K. Lee: Immunity-based autonomous guided vehicles control. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(1): 41-57 (2007)
17EEK. F. C. Yiu, K. L. Mak, Henry Y. K. Lau: A heuristic for the label printing problem. Computers & OR 34(9): 2576-2588 (2007)
16EEAlex K. S. Ng, Janet Efstathiou, Henry Y. K. Lau: A Load Scattering Algorithm for Dynamic Routing of Automated Material Handling Systems. CIS 2006: 704-713
15EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong: An Immunity-Based Distributed Multiagent-Control Framework. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 91-108 (2006)
14EEAlbert Ko, Henry Y. K. Lau, T. L. Lau: General Suppression Control Framework: Application in Self-balancing Robots. ICARIS 2005: 375-388
13EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Eugene Y. C. Wong: An AIS-Based Dynamic Routing (AISDR) Framework. ICARIS 2005: 56-71
12EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong: Immunologic Responses Manipulation of AIS Agents. ICARIS 2004: 65-79
11EEAlbert Ko, Henry Y. K. Lau, T. L. Lau: An Immuno Control Framework for Decentralized Mechatronic Control. ICARIS 2004: 91-105
10EEAlbert Ko, T. L. Lau, Henry Y. K. Lau: Topological Representation and Analysis Method for Multi-port and Multi-orientation Docking Modular Robots. ICRA 2004: 2210-2215
9EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Alex K. S. Ng: Immunology-based control framework for multi-jointed redundant manipulators. RAM 2004: 318-323
8EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong: A strategic behavioral-based intelligent transport system with artificial immune system. SMC (4) 2004: 3909-3914
7EEHenry Y. K. Lau, K. L. Mak: Managing the development of manufacturing systems software using a unified framework. IJMTM 6(1/2): 81-97 (2004)
6 Henry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong, Ivan S. K. Lee: Immunity-based Autonomous Guided Vehicles Control. HIS 2003: 233-243
5 Ivan S. K. Lee, Henry Y. K. Lau, Lionel C. C. Wai: An Experimental Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning for Gain Scheduling. HIS 2003: 351-360
4EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Vicky W. K. Wong: Immunologic Control Framework for Automated Material Handling. ICARIS 2003: 57-68
3EEHenry Y. K. Lau, Lionel C. C. Wai: A Jacobian-based redundant control strategy for the7-DOF WAM. ICARCV 2002: 1060-1065
2EEHenry Y. K. Lau, K. L. Mak, M. C. C. Ngan: An intelligent robotic framework for the execution of contact assembly tasks. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 15(6): 511-525 (2002)
1EEHenry Y. K. Lau, K. L. Mak: A unified framework for the development of automated manufacturing systems supervisory software for the pharmaceutical industry. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 12(3): 193-210 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Janet Efstathiou [16]
2Albert Ko [10] [11] [14] [19] [21]
3T. L. Lau [10] [11] [14]
4Ivan S. K. Lee [5] [6] [18]
5Nicole M. Y. Lee [21]
6K. L. Mak [1] [2] [7] [17]
7Alex K. S. Ng [9] [16]
8M. C. C. Ngan [2]
9Lionel C. C. Wai [3] [5]
10Eugene Y. C. Wong [13]
11Vicky W. K. Wong [4] [6] [8] [12] [15] [18]
12K. F. C. Yiu [17]
13Ying Zhao [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)