2004 |
7 | | Omar Larouk,
Salah Dalhoumi:
Structuration and metadata for electronic library.
ICWI 2004: 1224-1227 |
2003 |
6 | | Omar Larouk,
Salah Dalhoumi:
Evaluation Resources Gateways Websites.
ICWI 2003: 1047-1050 |
2001 |
5 | EE | Omar Larouk:
Building a Digital Collection of Web-Pages: Access and Filtering Information with Textual Expansion.
TSD 2001: 167-173 |
2000 |
4 | EE | David M. Nichols,
Duncan Pemberton,
Salah Dalhoumi,
Omar Larouk,
Claire Belisle,
Michael Twidale:
DEBORA: Developing an Interface to Support Collaboration in a Digital Library.
ECDL 2000: 239-248 |
1995 |
3 | | Omar Larouk:
An Evaluation of the Textual Databases using Linguistic and Logics.
NLDB 1995: 0- |
1993 |
2 | EE | Omar Larouk:
Linguistico-Statistical Approach and Logics Applied in Documentary System.
SAC 1993: 737-744 |
1988 |
1 | EE | Sylvie Laine,
Omar Larouk,
Isabelle Vidalenc:
French Textual Information Systems: The Contribution of Extensional and Intensional Logics.
SIGIR 1988: 507-518 |