
Stefan Lankes

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10EECarsten Clauss, Stefan Lankes, Thomas Bemmerl: Design and Implementation of a Service-integrated Session Layer for Efficient Message Passing in Grid Computing Environments. ISPDC 2008: 393-400
9EECarsten Clauss, Boris Bierbaum, Stefan Lankes, Thomas Bemmerl: A Framework for Deploying Self-predefined MPI Communicators and Attributes. PVM/MPI 2008: 313-315
8EECarsten Clauss, Stephan Gsell, Stefan Lankes, Thomas Bemmerl: A Fair Benchmark for Evaluating the Latent Potential of Heterogeneous Coupled Clusters. ISPDC 2007: 277-284
7EECarsten Clauss, Silke Schuch, Rainer Finocchiaro, Stefan Lankes, Thomas Bemmerl: Parallelisation of a simulation tool for casting and solidification processes on Windows platforms. IPDPS 2006
6EEBoris Bierbaum, Carsten Clauss, Martin Pöppe, Stefan Lankes, Thomas Bemmerl: The New Multidevice Architecture of MetaMPICH in the Context of Other Approaches to Grid-Enabled MPI. PVM/MPI 2006: 184-193
5EEStefan Lankes, Andreas Jabs, Thomas Bemmerl: Design and performance of a CAN-based connection-oriented protocol for Real-Time CORBA. Journal of Systems and Software 77(1): 37-45 (2005)
4EERainer Finocchiaro, Stefan Lankes, Andreas Jabs: Design of a Real-Time CORBA Event Service Customised for the CAN Bus. IPDPS 2004
3EEStefan Lankes, Andreas Jabs, Thomas Bemmerl: Integration of a CAN-Based Connection-Oriented Communication Model into Real-Time CORBA. IPDPS 2003: 121
2EEStefan Lankes, Andreas Jabs, Michael Reke: A Time-Triggered Ethernet Protocol for Real-Time CORBA. Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2002: 215-
1EEStefan Lankes, Michael Pfeiffer, Thomas Bemmerl: Design and Implementation of a SCI-Based Real-Time CORBA. ISORC 2001: 23-30

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Bemmerl [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Boris Bierbaum [6] [9]
3Carsten Clauss [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Rainer Finocchiaro [4] [7]
5Stephan Gsell [8]
6Andreas Jabs [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Michael Pfeiffer [1]
8Martin Pöppe [6]
9Michael Reke [2]
10Silke Schuch [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)