
Josef Langer

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11EEGerald Madlmayr, Josef Langer, Christian Kantner, Josef Scharinger: NFC Devices: Security and Privacy. ARES 2008: 642-647
10EEGerald Madlmayr, Oliver Dillinger, Josef Langer, Josef Scharinger: Management of Multiple Cards in NFC-Devices. CARDIS 2008: 149-161
9EEGerald Madlmayr, Peter Kleebauer, Josef Langer, Josef Scharinger: Secure Communication between Web Browsers and NFC Targets by the Example of an e-Ticketing System. EC-Web 2008: 1-10
8 Gerald Madlmayr, Josef Langer, Josef Scharinger: Near Field Communication based Payment System. MMS 2008: 81-93
7EEGerald Madlmayr, Dominik Brandlberger, Josef Langer, Josef Scharinger: Evaluation of SmartCard webserver as an application platform from a user's perspective. MoMM 2008: 360-363
6EEFlorian Eibensteiner, Rainer Findenig, Jürgen Tossold, Wilfried Kubinger, Josef Langer, Markus Pfaff: Embedded Robotic Solution: Integrating Robotics Interfaces with a High-Level CPU in a System-on-a-Chip. EUROCAST 2007: 1017-1024
5EEWilfried Kubinger, Franz Rinnerthaler, Christoph Sulzbachner, Josef Langer, Martin Humenberger: An Embedded Vision Sensor for Robot Soccer. EUROCAST 2007: 1025-1032
4EEGerald Madlmayr, Oliver Dillinger, Josef Langer, Christoph Schaffer: The benefit of using SIM application toolkit in the context of near field communication applications. ICMB 2007: 5
3EEFranz Rinnerthaler, Wilfried Kubinger, Josef Langer, Martin Humenberger, Stefan Borbely: Boosting the performance of embedded vision systems using a DSP/FPGA co-processor system. SMC 2007: 1141-1146
2 Josef Langer, Wilfried Kubinger: A power-aware sensor network architecture. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 19-24
1 Josef Langer, Christian Kantner, Larissa Naber: Tracing and debugging for wireless communication devices. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 38-43

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Borbely [3]
2Dominik Brandlberger [7]
3Oliver Dillinger [4] [10]
4Florian Eibensteiner [6]
5Rainer Findenig [6]
6Martin Humenberger [3] [5]
7Christian Kantner [1] [11]
8Peter Kleebauer [9]
9Wilfried Kubinger [2] [3] [5] [6]
10Gerald Madlmayr [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Larissa Naber [1]
12Markus Pfaff [6]
13Franz Rinnerthaler [3] [5]
14Christoph Schaffer [4]
15Josef Scharinger [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
16Christoph Sulzbachner [5]
17Jürgen Tossold [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)