2007 | ||
3 | Elmar Krieger, Laurent Leger, Marie-Pierre Durrieu, Nada Taib, Peter Bond, Michel Laguerre, Richard Lavery, Mark S. P. Sansom, Marc Baaden: Atomistic Modeling of the Membrane-Embedded Synaptic Fusion Complex: a Grand Challenge Project on the DEISA HPC Infrastructure. PARCO 2007: 729-736 | |
2006 | ||
2 | EE | Juan Elezgaray, Michel Laguerre: A systematic method to derive force fields for coarse-grained simulations of phospholipids. Computer Physics Communications 175(4): 264-268 (2006) |
1985 | ||
1 | EE | Micheline Grignon-Dubois, Michel Laguerre: Programme de simulation de spectres RMN 29Si Obtenus par inversion selective de population. Computers & Chemistry 9(4): 279-284 (1985) |
1 | Marc Baaden | [3] |
2 | Peter Bond | [3] |
3 | Marie-Pierre Durrieu | [3] |
4 | Juan Elezgaray | [2] |
5 | Micheline Grignon-Dubois | [1] |
6 | Elmar Krieger | [3] |
7 | Richard Lavery | [3] |
8 | Laurent Leger | [3] |
9 | Mark S. P. Sansom | [3] |
10 | Nada Taib | [3] |