
Gérard Lachiver

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5EEGustavo Hernandez, Gérard Lachiver: Biunivocal Relation Between TSK Fuzzy Controller and PID Controller and, Guarantee and Manipulation of the Stability for the Proposed Fuzzy Controller. CCECE 2006: 562-566
4EECharles-Antoine Brunet, Jean de Lafontaine, Gérard Lachiver: Generic Agent Architecture for Embedded Intelligent Systems. WRAC 2002: 434-446
3 François Michaud, Gérard Lachiver, Chon Tam Le Dinh: Architectural Methodology Based on Intentional Configuration of Behaviors. Computational Intelligence 17(1): 132-156 (2001)
2 S. M. Mustapha, Gérard Lachiver: RL-Cyclist: A Self-Teaching Agent Driving a Bicycle. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 222-226
1EEGérard Lachiver, Saïd Berriah: Application of Fuzzy Control to a Riderless Bicycle. JACIII 4(3): 195-199 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Saïd Berriah [1]
2Charles-Antoine Brunet [4]
3Chon Tam Le Dinh [3]
4Gustavo Hernandez [5]
5Jean de Lafontaine [4]
6François Michaud [3]
7S. M. Mustapha [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)