
Gerald Lüttgen

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48EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Safe Reasoning with Logic LTS. SOFSEM 2009: 376-387
47EEAndy Galloway, Gerald Lüttgen, Jan Tobias Mühlberg, Radu Siminiceanu: Model-Checking the Linux Virtual File System. VMCAI 2009: 74-88
46EERobert M. Hierons, Kirill Bogdanov, Jonathan P. Bowen, Rance Cleaveland, John Derrick, Jeremy Dick, Marian Gheorghe, Mark Harman, Kalpesh Kapoor, Paul Krause, Gerald Lüttgen, Anthony J. H. Simons, Sergiy A. Vilkomir, Martin R. Woodward, Hussein Zedan: Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Comput. Surv. 41(2): (2009)
45EEJonathan Ezekiel, Gerald Lüttgen: Measuring and Evaluating Parallel State-Space Exploration Algorithms. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 198(1): 47-61 (2008)
44EEIvana Cerná, Gerald Lüttgen: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(2): 1-2 (2008)
43EEGerald Lüttgen: Modeling and verification using UML Statecharts. By Doron Drusinsky. Published by Newnes Publishers, 2006, ISBN 0-7506-7617-5, 306 pages. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 18(3): 189-190 (2008)
42EEJonathan Ezekiel, Gerald Lüttgen, Gianfranco Ciardo: Parallelising Symbolic State-Space Generators. CAV 2007: 268-280
41EEMichael Mendler, Gerald Lüttgen: Is Observational Congruence Axiomatisable in Equational Horn Logic? CONCUR 2007: 197-211
40EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Ready Simulation for Concurrency: It's Logical! ICALP 2007: 752-763
39EEGianfranco Ciardo, Gerald Lüttgen, Andy Jinqing Yu: Improving Static Variable Orders Via Invariants. ICATPN 2007: 83-103
38EEAndy Jinqing Yu, Gianfranco Ciardo, Gerald Lüttgen: Bounded Reachability Checking of Asynchronous Systems Using Decision Diagrams. TACAS 2007: 648-663
37EEGianfranco Ciardo, Gerald Lüttgen, Andrew S. Miner: Exploiting interleaving semantics in symbolic state-space generation. Formal Methods in System Design 31(1): 63-100 (2007)
36EERance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen, V. Natarajan: Priority and abstraction in process algebra. Inf. Comput. 205(9): 1426-1458 (2007)
35EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Conjunction on processes: Full abstraction via ready-tree semantics. Theor. Comput. Sci. 373(1-2): 19-40 (2007)
34EEJan Tobias Mühlberg, Gerald Lüttgen: Blasting Linux Code. FMICS/PDMC 2006: 211-226
33EEJonathan Ezekiel, Gerald Lüttgen, Radu Siminiceanu: Can Saturation Be Parallelised? FMICS/PDMC 2006: 331-346
32EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Conjunction on Processes: Full-Abstraction Via Ready-Tree Semantics. FoSSaCS 2006: 261-276
31EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Bisimulation on speed: A unified approach. Theor. Comput. Sci. 360(1-3): 209-227 (2006)
30EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Bisimulation on Speed: A Unified Approach. FoSSaCS 2005: 79-94
29EEGerald Lüttgen, Natividad Martínez Madrid, Michael Mendler: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 115: 1-2 (2005)
28EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Bisimulation on Speed: Lower Time Bounds. FoSSaCS 2004: 333-347
27EEJoaquin Aguado, Michael Mendler, Gerald Lüttgen: A-maze-ing Esterel. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 88: 21-37 (2004)
26EEManfred Broy, Gerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 16(3): 165- (2004)
25EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: Bisimulation on speed: worst-case efficiency. Inf. Comput. 191(2): 105-144 (2004)
24EEBarry Norton, Gerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: A Compositional Semantic Theory for Synchronous Component-based Design. CONCUR 2003: 453-467
23EEManfred Broy, Gerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Editorial: Where Theory and Practice Meet. Formal Asp. Comput. 15(4): 297-298 (2003)
22EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Axiomatizing an Algebra of Step Reactions for Synchronous Languages. CONCUR 2002: 386-401
21EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: The intuitionism behind Statecharts steps. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 3(1): 1-41 (2002)
20EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Towards a Model-Theory for Esterel. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(5): (2002)
19EERance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen: A Logical Process Calculus. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(2): (2002)
18EEGerald Lüttgen, Walter Vogler: A Faster-than Relation for Asynchronous Processes. CONCUR 2001: 262-276
17 Gerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Statecharts: From Visual Syntax to Model-Theoretic Semantics. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 615-621
16EEGianfranco Ciardo, Gerald Lüttgen, Radu Siminiceanu: Saturation: An Efficient Iteration Strategy for Symbolic State-Space Generation. TACAS 2001: 328-342
15EERance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen: A Semantic Theory for Heterogeneous System Design. FSTTCS 2000: 312-324
14EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: Fully-Abstract Statecharts Semantics via Intuitionistic Kripke Models. ICALP 2000: 163-174
13EEGianfranco Ciardo, Gerald Lüttgen, Radu Siminiceanu: Efficient Symbolic State-Space Construction for Asynchronous Systems. ICATPN 2000: 103-122
12EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael von der Beeck, Rance Cleaveland: A compositional approach to statecharts semantics. SIGSOFT FSE 2000: 120-129
11EEGerald Lüttgen, Michael von der Beeck, Rance Cleaveland: Statecharts Via Process Algebra. CONCUR 1999: 399-414
10EEGerald Lüttgen, Victor Carreño: Analyzing Mode Confusion via Model Checking. SPIN 1999: 120-135
9 Girish Bhat, Rance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen: A Practical Approach to Implementing Real-Time Semantics. Ann. Software Eng. 7: 127-155 (1999)
8EERance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen, V. Natarajan: A Process Algebra with Distributed Priorities. Theor. Comput. Sci. 195(2): 227-258 (1998)
7 Rance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen, Michael Mendler: An Algebraic Theory of Multiple Clocks. CONCUR 1997: 166-180
6 Girish Bhat, Rance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen: Dynamic Priorities for Modeling Real-Time. FORTE 1997: 321-336
5 Alfons Geser, Jens Knoop, Gerald Lüttgen, Oliver Rüthing, Bernhard Steffen: Non-monotone Fixpoint Iterations to Resolve Second Order Effects. CC 1996: 106-120
4 Rance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen, V. Natarajan: A Process Algebra with Distributed Priorities. CONCUR 1996: 34-49
3 Rance Cleaveland, Gerald Lüttgen, V. Natarajan, Steve Sims: Priorities for Modeling and Verifying Distributed Systems. TACAS 1996: 278-297
2 Susanne Graf, Bernhard Steffen, Gerald Lüttgen: Compositional Minimisation of Finite State Systems Using Interface Specifications. Formal Asp. Comput. 8(5): 607-616 (1996)
1 Rance Cleaveland, V. Natarajan, Steve Sims, Gerald Lüttgen: Modeling and Verifying Distributed Systems Using Priorities: A Case Study. Software - Concepts and Tools 17(2): 50-62 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Joaquin Aguado [27]
2Michael von der Beeck [11] [12]
3Girish Bhat [6] [9]
4Kirill Bogdanov [46]
5Jonathan P. Bowen [46]
6Manfred Broy [23] [26]
7Victor Carreño [10]
8Ivana Cerná (Ivana Cerna) [44]
9Gianfranco Ciardo [13] [16] [37] [38] [39] [42]
10Rance Cleaveland [1] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [15] [19] [36] [46]
11John Derrick [46]
12Jeremy Dick [46]
13Jonathan Ezekiel [33] [42] [45]
14Andy Galloway [47]
15Alfons Geser [5]
16Marian Gheorghe [46]
17Susanne Graf [2]
18Mark Harman [46]
19Robert M. Hierons [46]
20Kalpesh Kapoor [46]
21Jens Knoop [5]
22Paul Krause [46]
23Natividad Martínez Madrid [29]
24Michael Mendler [7] [14] [17] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [29] [41]
25Andrew S. Miner [37]
26Jan Tobias Mühlberg [34] [47]
27V. Natarajan [1] [3] [4] [8] [36]
28Barry Norton [24]
29Oliver Rüthing [5]
30Radu Siminiceanu [13] [16] [33] [47]
31Anthony J. H. Simons [46]
32Steve Sims [1] [3]
33Bernhard Steffen [2] [5]
34Sergiy A. Vilkomir [46]
35Walter Vogler [18] [25] [28] [30] [31] [32] [35] [40] [48]
36Martin R. Woodward [46]
37Andy Jinqing Yu [38] [39]
38Hussein Zedan (Hussein S. M. Zedan) [46]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)