
Ulrich Löwen

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8EESébastien Truchat, Jan Vollmar, Adrian Köhlein, Ulrich Löwen: Towards model induced support for engineering industrial systems. SMC 2007: 2698-2703
7 Hans Kleine Büning, Ulrich Löwen, Stefan Schmitgen: Equivalence of Propositional Prolog Programs. J. Autom. Reasoning 6(3): 319-335 (1990)
6 Hand-Gerd Bleckmann, Ulrich Löwen: Vergleich von Prolog und Nexpert Object am Beispiel einer Störungsanalyse. KI 4(3): 42-48 (1990)
5 Hans Kleine Büning, Ulrich Löwen, Stefan Schmitgen: Inconsistency of Production Systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 3(4): 245-260 (1989)
4 Hans Kleine Büning, Ulrich Löwen: Optimizing Propositional Calculus Formulas with Regard to Questions of Deducibility Inf. Comput. 80(1): 18-43 (1989)
3 Hans Kleine Büning, Ulrich Löwen, Stefan Schmitgen: Loop Detection in Propositional Prolog Programs. CSL 1988: 148-165
2 Hans Kleine Büning, Ulrich Löwen: Optimization Aspects for Propositional Binary Prolog Programs. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 24(11/12): 585-599 (1988)
1 Ulrich Löwen: Optimization Aspects of Logical Formulas. CSL 1987: 173-187

Coauthor Index

1Hand-Gerd Bleckmann [6]
2Hans Kleine Büning [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
3Adrian Köhlein [8]
4Stefan Schmitgen [3] [5] [7]
5Sébastien Truchat [8]
6Jan Vollmar [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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