
Bing W. Kwan

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5 Hung Huy Khong, Bing W. Kwan, Leonard J. Tung: A Physics-Based Path-Loss Model For UWB Systems. ICWN 2008: 275-280
4EEMing Yu, Wei Su, Aniket Malvankar, Bing W. Kwan: A New Radio Channel Allocation Strategy For WLAN APs With Power Control Capabilities. GLOBECOM 2007: 4893-4898
3EEMing Yu, Bing W. Kwan, Xiaoguang Ma: A framework of radio channel allocation strategy for WLANs with multimedia traffic support. IWCMC 2007: 553-558
2 Khue Ngo-Quoc, Bing W. Kwan, Leonard J. Tung: An Alternative Approach to Travel Time Studies Using GPS Technology. CISST 2004: 113-117
1 Xiaoyu Liu, Bing W. Kwan: Wireless Channel Modeling Based on Randomly Moving Objects. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 418-422

Coauthor Index

1Hung Huy Khong [5]
2Xiaoyu Liu [1]
3Xiaoguang Ma [3]
4Aniket Malvankar [4]
5Khue Ngo-Quoc [2]
6Wei Su [4]
7Leonard J. Tung [2] [5]
8Ming Yu [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)