2008 |
22 | EE | Sam Schauland,
Jörg Velten,
Anton Kummert:
Motion-Based Object Detection for Automotive Applications using Multidimensional Wave Digital Filters.
VTC Spring 2008: 2700-2704 |
2007 |
21 | EE | Ligang Wu,
James Lam,
Wojciech Paszke,
Krzysztof Galkowski,
Eric Rogers,
Anton Kummert:
Filtering of Discrete Linear Repetitive Processes with H and l2-l Performance.
ISCAS 2007: 593-596 |
20 | EE | Mirko Meuter,
Dennis Müller,
Stefan Müller-Schneiders,
Uri Iurgel,
Su-Birm Park,
Anton Kummert:
Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Host Using Corner Points.
ISVC (2) 2007: 367-376 |
2006 |
19 | EE | Wojciech Paszke,
James Lam,
Krzysztof Galkowski,
Shengyuan Xu,
Eric Rogers,
Anton Kummert:
Delay-dependent stability of 2D state-delayed linear systems.
ISCAS 2006 |
18 | EE | Peter Rauschert,
Arasch Honarbacht,
Anton Kummert:
Synchronization of multihop ad hoc networks using connected dominating sets.
ISCAS 2006 |
2005 |
17 | | Mirco Pieper,
Anton Kummert:
Image Prediction for Virtual Environments by Means of Background Image Warping and 3D Object Tracking.
Computer Graphics and Imaging 2005: 156-161 |
16 | | Blazej Cichy,
Krzysztof Galkowski,
Anton Kummert,
Eric Rogers:
Control of discrete linear repetitive processes with variable parameter uncertainty.
ICINCO 2005: 37-42 |
15 | EE | Mirco Pieper,
Anton Kummert:
Elimination of Exposure Artifacts in Predicted Images by Means of an Adaptive Circular Median Filter.
ICITA (1) 2005: 629-633 |
14 | EE | Krzysztof Galkowski,
Anton Kummert:
Fractional polynomials and nD systems.
ISCAS (3) 2005: 2040-2043 |
13 | | Peter Rauschert,
Arasch Honarbacht,
Anton Kummert:
The predictive timer synchronization function - efficient network synchronization of MANETs.
SIP 2005: 262-267 |
2004 |
12 | | Mirco Pieper,
Anton Kummert:
Kalman filter and double step warping based image prediction.
Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 295-299 |
11 | EE | Arasch Honarbacht,
Anton Kummert:
WSDP: Efficient, Yet Reliable, Transmission of Real-Time Sensor Data over Wireless Networks.
EWSN 2004: 60-76 |
10 | | Peter Rauschert,
Arasch Honarbacht,
Anton Kummert:
R&D platform for man scale wireless AD HOC networks towards a hardware demonstrator for 4G+ systems.
ISCAS (4) 2004: 433-436 |
2003 |
9 | EE | Jörg Velten,
Anton Kummert:
FPGA-Implementation of Signal Processing Algorithms for Video Based Industrial Safety Applications.
FPL 2003: 1004-1007 |
8 | EE | Jörg Velten,
Anton Kummert:
High-speed FPGA-implementation of multidimensional binary morphological operations.
ISCAS (3) 2003: 706-709 |
2002 |
7 | EE | Jörg Velten,
Anton Kummert:
FPGA-Based Implementation of Variable Sized Structuring Elements for 2D Binary Morphological Operations.
DELTA 2002: 309-312 |
6 | EE | Marco Krips,
Thomas Lammert,
Anton Kummert:
FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for a Real-Time Hand Tracking System.
DELTA 2002: 313-317 |
5 | EE | Mirco Pieper,
Anton Kummert:
Stand-alone Digital Real-Time Image Processing Board based on an FPGA.
DELTA 2002: 437-439 |
4 | EE | Arasch Honarbacht,
Fritz Boschen,
Anton Kummert,
N. Harle:
Synchronization of distributed simulations-a Kalman filter approach.
ISCAS (4) 2002: 469-472 |
2001 |
3 | EE | W. Zeise,
Anton Kummert:
A new image interpolation method for increasing the frame rate in multimedia and virtual reality applications.
ISCAS (5) 2001: 37-40 |
2000 |
2 | EE | Fritz Boschen,
Anton Kummert:
Analysis of the Spectral Properties of the Radon Transform for the Design of Optimal Sampling Grids.
SSIAI 2000: 126-130 |
1 | | Jörg Velten,
Anton Kummert:
Motion Vector Estimation for Tracking of Hands in Video Based Industrial Safety Applications.
VMV 2000: 65-70 |