
Norbert Kuhn

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13 Norbert Kuhn, Stefan Richter, Stefan Naumann: Improving Accessibility to Business Processes for Disabled People by Document Tagging. ICEIS (5) 2007: 286-289
12 Stefan Naumann, Rolf Krieger, Norbert Kuhn, Cordula Schürmann, Christian Sommer: Adaption von Information Retrieval-Verfahren zur automatisierten Produktsuche und -klassifikation. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2003: 280-285
11 Stefan Naumann, Rolf Krieger, Norbert Kuhn, Cordula Schürmann, Christian Sommer: Such- und Klassifizierungsstrategien in elektronischen Produktkatalogen. Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2003: 405-424
10EEKarl-Hans Bläsius, Beate Grawemeyer, Isabel John, Norbert Kuhn: Knowledge-based Document Analysis. ICDAR 1997: 728-731
9EEThomas Kieninger, Norbert Kuhn: Hyperbraille: a hypertext system for the blind. ASSETS 1994: 92-99
8 Thomas Kieninger, Norbert Kuhn, Kerstin Seidenschwann, Werner Weiss: An Intelligent Information System For Blind People - AI Technology and Philosophical Aspects. ICCHP 1994: 9-15
7 Norbert Kuhn, Klaus Madlener, Friedrich Otto: Computing Presentations for Subgroups of Polycyclic Groups and of Context-Free Groups. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 5: 287-316 (1994)
6EENorbert Kuhn: Comparing rankings of heterogeneous agents. COOCS 1993: 1-12
5 Norbert Kuhn, Jürgen Müller: Multiagentenkoordination durch Marktmechanismen. GI Jahrestagung 1993: 509-514
4 Klaus Fischer, Norbert Kuhn, Jürgen Müller, Jörg P. Müller, Markus Pischel: Sophisticated and Distributed: The Transporation Domain. MAAMAW 1993: 122-138
3EENorbert Kuhn, Klaus Madlener, Friedrich Otto: Computing Presentations for Subgroups of Context-Free Groups. ISSAC 1992: 240-250
2EENorbert Kuhn, Klaus Madlener, Friedrich Otto: A Test for lambda-Confluence for Certain Prefix Rewriting Systems with Applications to the Generalized Word Problem. ISSAC 1990: 8-15
1EENorbert Kuhn, Klaus Madlener: A Method for Enumerating Cosets of a Group Presented by a Canonical System. ISSAC 1989: 338-350

Coauthor Index

1Karl-Hans Bläsius [10]
2Klaus Fischer [4]
3Beate Grawemeyer [10]
4Isabel John [10]
5Thomas Kieninger [8] [9]
6Rolf Krieger [11] [12]
7Klaus Madlener [1] [2] [3] [7]
8Jörg P. Müller [4]
9Jürgen Müller [4] [5]
10Stefan Naumann [11] [12] [13]
11Friedrich Otto [2] [3] [7]
12Markus Pischel [4]
13Stefan Richter [13]
14Cordula Schürmann [11] [12]
15Kerstin Seidenschwann [8]
16Christian Sommer [11] [12]
17Werner Weiss [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)