
Vladislav Kubon

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17EEOldrich Kruza, Vladislav Kubon: Automatic Extraction of Clause Relationships from a Treebank. CICLing 2009: 195-206
16 Petr Homola, Vladislav Kubon: A Hybrid Machine Translation System for Typologically Related Languages. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 227-228
15 Vladislav Kubon, Miroslav Spousta: Multilingual Approach to e-Learning from a Monolingual Perspective. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 229-230
14 Vladislav Kubon, Markéta Lopatková, Martin Plátek, Patrice Pognan: A Linguistically-Based Segmentation of Complex Sentences. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 368-373
13EEVladislav Kubon, Markéta Lopatková, Martin Plátek, Patrice Pognan: Segmentation of Complex Sentences. TSD 2006: 151-158
12EEMarkéta Lopatková, Martin Plátek, Vladislav Kubon: Modeling Syntax of Free Word-Order Languages: Dependency Analysis by Reduction. TSD 2005: 140-147
11EEJan Curín, Martin Cmejrek, Jirí Havelka, Vladislav Kubon: Building a Parallel Bilingual Syntactically Annotated Corpus. IJCNLP 2004: 168-176
10EETomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek, Karel Oliva: A Theoretical Basis of an Architecture of a Shell of a Reasonably Robust Syntactic Analyser. TSD 2003: 58-65
9EEVladislav Kubon: Multilingual Aspects of Monolingual Corpora. LDV Forum 18(1/2): 283-298 (2003)
8 Martin Plátek, Tomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Karel Oliva: Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar. IWPT 2001
7EEVladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: A Method of Accurate Robust Parsing of Czech. TSD 2001: 92-99
6EETomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: A Prototype of a Grammar Checker for Czech. ANLP 1997: 147-154
5 Tomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: Parsing of Free-Word-Order Languages. SOFSEM 1995: 379-384
4EEVladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: A Grammar Based Approach To A Grammar Checking Of Free Word Order Languages. COLING 1994: 906-910
3EEEva Hajicová, Vladislav Kubon, Petr Kubon: Stock Of Shared Knowledge - A Tool For Solving Pronominal Anaphora. COLING 1992: 127-133
2EEEva Hajicová, Petr Kubon, Vladislav Kubon: Hierarchy of Salience and Discourse Analysis and Production. COLING 1990: 144-148
1EEAlla Bémová, Vladislav Kubon: Czech-to-Russian Transducing Dictionary. COLING 1990: 314-316

Coauthor Index

1Alla Bémová [1]
2Martin Cmejrek [11]
3Jan Curín [11]
4Eva Hajicová [2] [3]
5Jirí Havelka [11]
6Tomás Holan [5] [6] [8] [10]
7Petr Homola [16]
8Oldrich Kruza [17]
9Petr Kubon [2] [3]
10Markéta Lopatková (Markéta Stranáková-Lopatková) [12] [13] [14]
11Karel Oliva [8] [10]
12Martin Plátek [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [14]
13Patrice Pognan [13] [14]
14Miroslav Spousta [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)