
Tomás Holan

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9EEMarkéta Lopatková, Tomás Holan: Segmentation Charts for Czech - Relations among Segments in Complex Sentences. LATA 2009: 542-553
8EECyril Brom, Vít Sisler, Tomás Holan: Story Manager in 'Europe 2045' Uses Petri Nets. International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2007: 38-50
7EEAles Horák, Tomás Holan, Vladimír Kadlec, Vojtech Kovár: Dependency and Phrasal Parsers of the Czech Language: A Comparison. TSD 2007: 76-84
6EETomás Holan, Zdenek Zabokrtský: Combining Czech Dependency Parsers. TSD 2006: 95-102
5EETomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek, Karel Oliva: A Theoretical Basis of an Architecture of a Shell of a Reasonably Robust Syntactic Analyser. TSD 2003: 58-65
4EETomás Holan: Dependency Analyser Configurable by Measures. TSD 2002: 81-88
3 Martin Plátek, Tomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Karel Oliva: Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar. IWPT 2001
2EETomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: A Prototype of a Grammar Checker for Czech. ANLP 1997: 147-154
1 Tomás Holan, Vladislav Kubon, Martin Plátek: Parsing of Free-Word-Order Languages. SOFSEM 1995: 379-384

Coauthor Index

1Cyril Brom [8]
2Ales Horák [7]
3Vladimír Kadlec [7]
4Vojtech Kovár [7]
5Vladislav Kubon [1] [2] [3] [5]
6Markéta Lopatková (Markéta Stranáková-Lopatková) [9]
7Karel Oliva [3] [5]
8Martin Plátek [1] [2] [3] [5]
9Vít Sisler [8]
10Zdenek Zabokrtský [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)