
Yungchang Ku

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5EEShaojie Qiao, Changjie Tang, Shucheng Dai, Mingfang Zhu, Jing Peng, Hongjun Li, Yungchang Ku: PartSpan: Parallel Sequence Mining of Trajectory Patterns. FSKD (5) 2008: 363-367
4EEYungchang Ku, Saurabh Gupta: Online Gaming Perpetrators Model. ISI Workshops 2008: 428-433
3EEYungchang Ku, Chaochang Chiu, Bo-Hong Liou, Jyun-Hong Liou, Jheng-Ying Wu: Applying Text Mining to Assist People Who Inquire HIV/AIDS Information from Internet. ISI Workshops 2008: 440-448
2EEYungchang Ku, Yuchi Chen, Chaochang Chiu: A Proposed Data Mining Approach for Internet Auction Fraud Detection. PAISI 2007: 238-243
1EEYungchang Ku, Ying-Chieh Chen, Kuo-Ching Wu, Chaochang Chiu: An Empirical Analysis of Online Gaming Crime Characteristics from 2002 to 2004. PAISI 2007: 34-45

Coauthor Index

1Ying-Chieh Chen [1]
2Yuchi Chen [2]
3Chaochang Chiu [1] [2] [3]
4Shucheng Dai [5]
5Saurabh Gupta [4]
6Hongjun Li [5]
7Bo-Hong Liou [3]
8Jyun-Hong Liou [3]
9Jing Peng [5]
10Shaojie Qiao [5]
11Changjie Tang (Chang-jie Tang) [5]
12Jheng-Ying Wu [3]
13Kuo-Ching Wu [1]
14Mingfang Zhu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)