
Mekki Ksouri

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9EEFatma Ayari, Ali T. Alouani, Mekki Ksouri: Wavelets: An efficient tool for lung sounds analysis. AICCSA 2008: 875-878
8EEKaouther Laabidi, Faouzi Bouani, Mekki Ksouri: Multi-criteria optimization in nonlinear predictive control. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 76(5-6): 363-374 (2008)
7 Anes Bedoui, Faouzi Bouani, Mekki Ksouri: Multi-objective predictive control: application for an uncertain process. ICINCO 2005: 233-238
6 Kaouther Laabidi, Faouzi Bouani, Mekki Ksouri: Genetic and ellipsoid algorithms for nonlinear predictive control. ICINCO 2005: 288-291
5EEWassila Chagra, Faouzi Bouani, Ridha Ben Abdennour, Mekki Ksouri, Gérard Favier: Equalization with decision delay estimation using recurrent neural networks. Advances in Engineering Software 36(7): 442-447 (2005)
4EERyan Kammarti, Slim Hammadi, Pierre Borne, Mekki Ksouri: A new hybrid evolutionary approach for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows. SMC (2) 2004: 1498-1503
3 Faouzi M'Sahli, Chawki Fayeche, Ridha Ben Abdennour, Mekki Ksouri: Application of Adaptive Controllers for the Temperature Control of a Semi-Batch Reactor. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 2(2): 287-307 (2001)
2EEFaouzi M'Sahli, Ridha Ben Abdennour, Mekki Ksouri: Identification and Predictive Control of a Nonlinear Process Using a Parametric Volterra Model. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 2(4): 633-652 (2001)
1EERidha Ben Abdennour, Gérard Favier, Mekki Ksouri: Fuzzy trace identification algorithms for non-stationary systems. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 6(4): 403-417 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Ridha Ben Abdennour [1] [2] [3] [5]
2Ali T. Alouani [9]
3Fatma Ayari [9]
4Anes Bedoui [7]
5Pierre Borne [4]
6Faouzi Bouani [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Wassila Chagra [5]
8Gérard Favier [1] [5]
9Chawki Fayeche [3]
10Slim Hammadi [4]
11Ryan Kammarti [4]
12Kaouther Laabidi [6] [8]
13Faouzi M'Sahli [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)