
Harald Krottmaier

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16EEIna Blumel, Jürgen Diet, Harald Krottmaier: Integrating multimedia repositories into the PROBADO framework. ICDIM 2008: 178-183
15EEHarald Krottmaier, Frank Kurth, Thorsten Steenweg, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, Dieter W. Fellner: PROBADO - A Generic Repository Integration Framework. ECDL 2007: 518-521
14EECarl Rauch, Harald Krottmaier, Klaus Tochtermann: File-Formats for Preservation: Evaluating the Long-Term Stability of File-Formats. ELPUB 2007: 101-106
13EEDieter W. Fellner, Dietmar Saupe, Harald Krottmaier: Guest Editors' Introduction: 3D Documents. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(4): 20-21 (2007)
12EEHarald Krottmaier, Christian Scherngell: Using SVG for an User-Interface to a Digital Library. ELPUB 2006: 81-88
11EEHarald Krottmaier: Some Thoughts on Hyper-links. ELPUB 2005
10EEHarald Krottmaier: The need for sharing user-profiles in digital libraries. ELPUB 2004
9EEHeinz Dreher, Harald Krottmaier, Hermann A. Maurer: What we Expect from Digital Libraries. J. UCS 10(9): 1110-1122 (2004)
8EEMathias Lux, Jutta Becker, Harald Krottmaier: Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Digital Photos. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003
7EEHarald Krottmaier: Stop Reading (Useless Parts)!. ELPUB 2003
6EEHarald Krottmaier: Links to the Future. JDIM 1(1): 3-7 (2003)
5EEHarald Krottmaier: Transcluded Documents: Advantages of Reusing Document Fragments. ELPUB 2002
4EEHarald Krottmaier: Current and Future Features of Digital Journals. EurAsia-ICT 2002: 495-502
3EEHarald Krottmaier: Automatic References: Active Support for Scientists in Digital Libraries. ICADL 2002: 254-255
2EEHarald Krottmaier: Improving the Usability of a Digital Library. ELPUB 2001
1EEHarald Krottmaier, Hermann A. Maurer: Transclusions in the 21st Century. J. UCS 7(12): 1125-1136 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Jürgen Appelrath [15]
2Jutta Becker [8]
3Ina Blumel [16]
4Jürgen Diet [16]
5Heinz Dreher [9]
6Dieter W. Fellner [13] [15]
7Frank Kurth [15]
8Mathias Lux [8]
9Hermann A. Maurer [1] [9]
10Carl Rauch [14]
11Dietmar Saupe [13]
12Christian Scherngell [12]
13Thorsten Steenweg [15]
14Klaus Tochtermann [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)