
R. Krishnan

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13EER. Krishnan, S. Murali Krishna, P. Siva Nandhan: Combinatorial testing: learnings from our experience. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32(3): 1-8 (2007)
12EER. Krishnan, S. Murali Krishna, Nishil Bharill: Code quality tools: learning from our experience. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32(4): (2007)
11EER. Krishnan, Margaret Nadworny: Moving Software from Expense to Asset. COMPSAC (2) 2006: 123-126
10 R. Krishnan, E. Hattingen, A. Raabe, M. Zimmermann, V. Seifert: Functional mapping of the cortex - surface based visualizations of functional MRI. CARS 2004: 1246
9 R. Krishnan, E. Hattingen, A. Szelényi, E. Hermann, H. Yahya, A. Raabe, M. Zimmermann, V. Seifert: Functional neuronavigation - risk grading for surgery in close proximity to eloquent motor cortex. CARS 2004: 1280
8 R. Krishnan, A. Raabe, V. Seifert: Accuracy and applicability of laser surface scanning as new registration technique in image-guided neurosurgery. CARS 2004: 678-683
7EEK. P. Kumar, A. Agarwal, R. Krishnan: Fuzzy based resource management framework for high throughput computing. CCGRID 2004: 555-562
6EER. Krishnan: Technology in the Indian retail supply chain. Commun. ACM 44(6): 83-87 (2001)
5EER. Krishnan, G. Sivakumar, P. Bhattacharya: Extracting decision trees from trained neural networks. Pattern Recognition 32(12): 1999-2009 (1999)
4EER. Krishnan, G. Sivakumar, P. Bhattacharya: A search technique for rule extraction from trained neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(3): 273-280 (1999)
3EER. Krishnan, A. Das, B. Gurumoorthy: Octree encoding of B-Rep based objects. Computers & Graphics 20(1): 107-114 (1996)
2 K. Hartmann, R. Krishnan, R. Merz, G. Neplotnik, Fritz B. Prinz, L. Schultz, M. Terk, Lee E. Weiss: Robot-Assisted Shape Deposition Manufacturing. ICRA 1994: 2890-2896
1 R. Krishnan, Graham A. Jullien, William C. Miller: VLSI Implementation of Complex Digitial Signal Processing Structures. IAS 1986: 313-321

Coauthor Index

1A. Agarwal [7]
2Nishil Bharill [12]
3P. Bhattacharya [4] [5]
4A. Das [3]
5B. Gurumoorthy (Balan Gurumoorthy) [3]
6K. Hartmann [2]
7E. Hattingen [9] [10]
8E. Hermann [9]
9Graham A. Jullien [1]
10S. Murali Krishna [12] [13]
11K. P. Kumar [7]
12R. Merz [2]
13William C. Miller [1]
14Margaret Nadworny [11]
15P. Siva Nandhan [13]
16G. Neplotnik [2]
17Fritz B. Prinz [2]
18A. Raabe [8] [9] [10]
19L. Schultz [2]
20V. Seifert [8] [9] [10]
21G. Sivakumar [4] [5]
22A. Szelényi [9]
23M. Terk [2]
24Lee E. Weiss [2]
25H. Yahya [9]
26M. Zimmermann [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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