
Padmanabhan Krishnan

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36EEPadmanabhan Krishnan, Kelvin J. Ross, Percy Antonio Pari Salas: Industry Academia Collaboration: An Experience Report at a Small University. CSEE&T 2009: 117-121
35EEShane Bracher, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Implementing secure document circulation: a prototype. SAC 2008: 1452-1456
34EEPercy Antonio Pari Salas, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Testing Privacy Policies Using Models. SEFM 2008: 117-126
33EEPercy Antonio Pari Salas, Padmanabhan Krishnan, Kelvin J. Ross: Model-Based Security Vulnerability Testing. ASWEC 2007: 284-296
32EEChris George, Padmanabhan Krishnan, Percy Antonio Pari Salas, Jeff W. Sanders: Specification for Testing. Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems 2007: 280-299
31EELei Wang, Padmanabhan Krishnan: A Framework for Checking Behavioral Compatibility for Component Selection. ASWEC 2006: 49-60
30EEZhao Xiangpeng, Antonio Cerone, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Verifying BPEL Workflows Under Authorisation Constraints. Business Process Management 2006: 439-444
29EELei Wang, Padmanabhan Krishnan: An Approach to Provisioning E-Commerce Applications with Commercial Components. ICEBE 2006: 323-330
28EEShane Bracher, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Enabling Security Testing from Specification to Code. IFM 2005: 150-166
27EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Uniform Descriptions for Model Based Testing. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2004: 96-105
26 Padmanabhan Krishnan: Analysis of initial use case descriptions. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 24-29
25EEPadmanabhan Krishnan, Lei Wang: Supporting Partial Component Matching. ICDCIT 2004: 294-303
24EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Decomposing Controllers into Non-conflicting Distributed Controllers. ICTAC 2004: 511-526
23EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Independent examination of software: an experiment. Information & Software Technology 46(12): 847-856 (2004)
22 Padmanabhan Krishnan, Robert Bannerman: User Assisted Verification of Non-Repudiation and Similar Properties. Security and Management 2003: 161-170
21EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Automatic synthesis of a subclass of schedulers in timed systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 2(298): 347-363 (2003)
20EEPadmanabhan Krishnan, Danita Hartley: Using Model Checking to Test a Firewall : A Case Study. EUROMICRO 2002: 284-293
19 Padmanabhan Krishnan: Providing Assistance for Proofs in the Teaching of Theory of Computation. ICCE 2002: 1083-1084
18 Padmanabhan Krishnan: A Framework for Security and Control. PDPTA 2002: 584-589
17EEAndre Renaud, Padmanabhan Krishnan: An Environment for Specifying and Verifying Security Properties. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2001: 203-212
16 Padmanabhan Krishnan: Decomposing Timed Push Down Automata. Fundam. Inform. 45(3): 215-229 (2001)
15EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Consistency checks for UML. APSEC 2000: 162-
14EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Automatic synthesis of schedulers in timed systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 31: (2000)
13EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Distributed timed automata. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 28: (1999)
12EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Issues Related to Distributed Processing of Picture Languages. J. UCS 5(9): 542-551 (1999)
11EEKahn Mason, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Decomposition of Timed Automata. J. UCS 5(9): 574-587 (1999)
10EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: An Asynchronous Calculus Based on the Absence of Actions. J. UCS 3(12): 1415- (1997)
9 Padmanabhan Krishnan: Architectural CCS. Formal Asp. Comput. 8(2): 162-187 (1996)
8 Padmanabhan Krishnan: A Semantic Characterisation for Faults in Replicated Systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(1&2): 159-177 (1994)
7EEPadmanabhan Krishnan: Specification of systems with interrupts. Journal of Systems and Software 21(3): 291-304 (1993)
6 Padmanabhan Krishnan: A Semantics for Multiprocessor Systems. ESOP 1992: 307-320
5 Padmanabhan Krishnan, Peter D. Mosses: Specifying Asynchronous Transfer of Control. FTRTFT 1992: 291-306
4 Padmanabhan Krishnan: Distributed CCS. CONCUR 1991: 393-407
3 Padmanabhan Krishnan: A Model for Real-Time Systems. MFCS 1991: 298-307
2 Padmanabhan Krishnan, Richard A. Volz: A Distributed Real-Time Language and Its Operational Semantics. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 41-51
1EERichard A. Volz, Trevor N. Mudge, Gregory D. Buzzard, Padmanabhan Krishnan: Translation and Execution of Distributed Ada Programs: Is It Still Ada? IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(3): 281-292 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Bannerman [22]
2Shane Bracher [28] [35]
3Gregory D. Buzzard [1]
4Antonio Cerone [30]
5Chris George [32]
6Danita Hartley [20]
7Kahn Mason [11]
8Peter D. Mosses [5]
9Trevor N. Mudge [1]
10Andre Renaud [17]
11Kelvin J. Ross [33] [36]
12Percy Antonio Pari Salas [32] [33] [34] [36]
13Jeff W. Sanders [32]
14Richard A. Volz [1] [2]
15Lei Wang [25] [29] [31]
16Zhao Xiangpeng [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)