
Per Kreuger

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11 Anders Holst, Per Kreuger, Peter Funk: Tenth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SCAI 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, May 26-28, 2008 IOS Press 2008
10EEPer Kreuger, Malin Forsgren, Martin Aronsson: Reducing temporal delays in a real time train management system. SCAI 2008: 181-187
9EEMartin Aronsson, Per Kreuger, Jonatan Gjerdrum: An Efficient MIP Model for Locomotive Scheduling with Time Windows. ATMOS 2006
8EEWaldemar Kocjan, Per Kreuger: Filtering Methods for Symmetric Cardinality Constraint. CPAIOR 2004: 200-208
7EEThomas Sjöland, Per Kreuger, Martin Aronsson: Heterogeneous Scheduling and Rotation. Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond 2002: 655-676
6EEHenrik Abrahamsson, Bengt Ahlgren, Juan Alonso, Anders Andersson, Per Kreuger: A Multi-path Routing Algorithm for IP Networks Based on Flow Optimisation. QofIS 2002: 135-144
5EEMats Carlsson, Per Kreuger, Emil Åström: Constraint-Based Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Steel Manufacturing. PADL 1999: 335-349
4 Per Kreuger: Axioms in Definitional Calculi. ELP 1993: 196-205
3 Per Kreuger: GCLA II - A Definitional Approach to Control. ELP 1991: 239-297
2 Martin Aronsson, Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Lars Hallnäs, Per Kreuger: A Survey of GCLA: A Definitional Approach to Logic Programming. ELP 1989: 49-99
1 Per Kreuger: A Higher Order Logic Parser for Natural Language Implemented in Lambda Prolog. AIMSA 1988: 299-306

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Abrahamsson [6]
2Bengt Ahlgren [6]
3Juan Alonso [6]
4Anders Andersson [6]
5Martin Aronsson [2] [7] [9] [10]
6Emil Åström [5]
7Mats Carlsson [5]
8Lars-Henrik Eriksson [2]
9Malin Forsgren [10]
10Peter Funk (Peter J. Funk) [11]
11Jonatan Gjerdrum [9]
12Lars Hallnäs [2]
13Anders Holst [11]
14Waldemar Kocjan [8]
15Thomas Sjöland [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)