
Bengt Ahlgren

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11 Bengt Ahlgren, Lars Eggert, Anja Feldmann, Andrei Gurtov, Thomas R. Henderson: Naming and Addressing for Next-Generation Internetworks, 29.10. - 01.11.2006 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007
10EELaura Marie Feeney, Christian Rohner, Bengt Ahlgren: Leveraging a power save protocol to improve performance in ad hoc networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(2): 51-52 (2007)
9EEBengt Ahlgren, Jari Arkko, Lars Eggert, Jarno Rajahalme: A Node Identity Internetworking Architecture. INFOCOM 2006
8EEBengt Ahlgren, Lars Eggert, Anja Feldmann, Andrei Gurtov, Thomas R. Henderson: 06441 Abstracts Collection -- Naming and Addressing for Next Generation Internetworks. Naming and Addressing for Next-Generation Internetworks 2006
7EEMarcus Brunner, Alex Galis, Lawrence Cheng, Jorge Andrés Colás, Bengt Ahlgren, Anders Gunnar, Henrik Abrahamsson, Róbert Szabó, Simon Csaba, Johan Nielsen, Simon Schütz, Alberto Gonzalez Prieto, Rolf Stadler, Gergely Molnar: Towards Ambient Networks Management. MATA 2005: 215-229
6EEMarcus Brunner, Alex Galis, Lawrence Cheng, Jorge Andrés Colás, Bengt Ahlgren, Anders Gunnar, Henrik Abrahamsson, Róbert Szabó, Simon Csaba, Johan Nielsen, Alberto Gonzalez Prieto, Rolf Stadler, Gergely Molnar: Ambient Networks Management Challenges and Approaches. MATA 2004: 196-216
5EEHenrik Abrahamsson, Bengt Ahlgren, Juan Alonso, Anders Andersson, Per Kreuger: A Multi-path Routing Algorithm for IP Networks Based on Flow Optimisation. QofIS 2002: 135-144
4 Thiemo Voigt, Bengt Ahlgren: Scheduling TCP in the Nemesis Operating System. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1999: 63-80
3 Bengt Ahlgren: A performance model for integrated layer processing. HPN 1997: 249-264
2 Bengt Ahlgren, Mats Björkman, Per Gunningberg: Integrated layer processing can be hazardous to your performance. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1996: 167-181
1 Bengt Ahlgren, Mats Björkman, Per Gunningberg: Towards Predictable ILP Performance - Controlling Communication Buffer Cache Effects. Australian Computer Journal 28(2): 66-71 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Abrahamsson [5] [6] [7]
2Juan Alonso [5]
3Anders Andersson [5]
4Jari Arkko [9]
5Mats Björkman [1] [2]
6Marcus Brunner [6] [7]
7Lawrence Cheng [6] [7]
8Jorge Andrés Colás [6] [7]
9Simon Csaba [6] [7]
10Lars Eggert [8] [9] [11]
11Laura Marie Feeney [10]
12Anja Feldmann [8] [11]
13Alex Galis [6] [7]
14Anders Gunnar [6] [7]
15Per Gunningberg [1] [2]
16Andrei Gurtov [8] [11]
17Thomas R. Henderson [8] [11]
18Per Kreuger [5]
19Gergely Molnar [6] [7]
20Johan Nielsen [6] [7]
21Alberto Gonzalez Prieto [6] [7]
22Jarno Rajahalme [9]
23Christian Rohner [10]
24Simon Schütz [7]
25Rolf Stadler [6] [7]
26Róbert Szabó [6] [7]
27Thiemo Voigt [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)